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Is the TCD healthy? Well I’d say yes and no. The whole idea was born out of Brad Marshall being baffled by the French Paradox. The French ate butter, flower, sugar, dairy, and wine and yet remained thin and had a low incidence of coronary artery disease. At least they did in the late 60’s early 70’s. Brad wanted to understand how they could eat fat and refined carbohydrates and remain healthy relatively speaking.

Brad in my mind and based on the science he uncovered, figured it out, or at least in large part. It was the absence of Polyunsaturated fat and the presence of high amounts of healthy saturated fat that allowed it to work.

If you want the science behind TCD visit www.fireinabottle.net

First I want to say I don’t recall Brad ever saying this was the healthiest way to eat, I don’t believe that either. But I do feel there are enormous health benefits that can be had by the guiding principles. Get rid of the vegetable oil and eat more healthy saturated fat, like grass fed butter, grass fed beef, beef Tallow, suet,heavy cream, and unrefined cocao butter.

I’m a big fan of Dr. Chris Knobbi, and I really like the way he explains the problem with vegetable oil, and trans fats, he goes further and adds sugar and refined carbohydrates to the list of unhealthy things. Based on all I have read, and lectures I’ve heard by him, he believes that Polyunsaturated fat is the biggest driver and that something like 80% of all modern metabolic Diseases start from the damage caused by the factory produced seed oils. I’m also a fan of Dr Kate Shanahan, Nina Teicholz, Tucker Carlson., and Dr Michael Eades. They share a very similar view. It’s not the fat that’s bad, it’s the choice that makes the difference.

Having said that and having my own personal opinion that they are right after looking at a good portion of the data they reference. So does it make sense from a health perspective that getting rid of the single biggest driver of modern diseases is a good thing? Most Americans are unknowingly consuming 40- 80 grams of Polyunsaturated fat a day. That’s upwards of 720 calories, roughly 1/3 of their daily calories coming from something that our ancestors 100 years ago ate less than 5 grams of a day. Our American ancestors didn’t have an epidemic of heart disease, it was virtually nonexistent 100 years ago. Very low incidence of obesity, very low incidence of type 2 diabetes. Now it’s a full on explosion. Also these people ate sugar, and flour, not to the enormous quantity we do today but it wasn’t something that was avoided or absent from their foods.

So here is where I sit. TCD is likely way healthier than the way most people eat because it removes in my opinion based on those doctors and researchers I mentioned above, the number 1 driver for all these metabolic diseases.

Are croissants, and Haagen Dazs healthy foods? I in no way believe they are. I have made it a point to mention virtually every time I bring up the Haagen Dazs I regularly eat that this is not the healthiest choice, or if you have sugar issues you should probably avoid it etc. I also have never said its required, I know this because my best friend Rob has rarely eaten it and he has lost 40+ lbs in just over 6 months.

Do you want to make TCD into the healthiest version it can be? Ditch the refined carbohydrates in favor of whole food choices it’s that Simple. Don’t eat processed cereals, fiber or not. Don’t eat refined flours white, or wheat. Do not eat processed packaged foods with multiple ingredients. Don’t eat sugar. if you really want the best health outcome possible drastically reduce your carbohydrate intake period. Avoid spiking your insulin over and over from carb dense meals. Load up on grass feed animals and animal products, wild game, animal organs are great, and wild caught fish and shellfish. Eat some fruits and vegetables avoiding carb dense meals. Eat healthy saturated fats. Get rid of omega 6 vegetable oils from your diet.
I didn’t do TCD initially thinking it was the healthiest way to eat. I did it believing Brad had the science to back up the weight loss this could provide. I wanted to do it and keep to the spirit of the diet. Mimicking the way the French ate. Eating similar foods that I liked that would fit the model.

I did this and had success far beyond what I imagined possible. I’m literally shocked at the results in 8 months. You may be too, but we are all unique in how damaged our metabolisms may be from years of unknowingly eating way too much vegetable oils, and not enough healthy fats. We all have varying different nutritional deficiencies based around our own food choices. If there are foods that give you issues obviously don’t eat them. I wish you the best of luck if you choose to try TCD, and just maybe it will lead you to learn and grow like it did me. In this growing it may become a gateway to even healthier choices.

Видео IS THE CROISSANT DIET HEALTHY? Ep 6 канала Dave Fit - Are You Saturated?
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23 июня 2021 г. 7:46:14