大きな被害を受けた名取市 [震災翌日]
Natori city suffering great damage (Day after earthquake)
The Japanese text is followed by an English translation.
破壊された家々、残骸と化した車、漂流してきた船...津波の威力を物語る被写体が、次々とカメラの前に現れる。(名取市小塚原地区: 朝6:00ごろ)
この小学校から、海岸方向(東側)に約500メートル離れた閖上中学校にも、多数の避難者が集まっている。(上空からの映像: 朝7:00すぎ)
[映像中に登場するリポーターは、さくらんぼテレビジョン・中村慎一 記者]
Footage: Situation at Yuriage area of Natori city in Miyagi prefecture that suffered devastating damage by the tsunami. (March 12th) Natori city is located next to Tohoku region's number one metropolis Sendai, adjacent to its south side. Yuriage area is situated in Natori city's northeastern section, at Natori river's estuary. One night after the disaster, the helicopter captures footage of Natori city from above, where the city is completely covered in water, and clouds of smoke rise profusely from a fire.
On the other hand, staff on ground head out to near the Natori interchange of Sendai-Tobu Road (national highway) and face the aftermath of the giant tsunami that has reached this point 3km away from the estuary. Destroyed homes, cars left in a wreck, boats that drifted inland... Objects that verify the power of the tsunami appear in front of the camera one by one. (around 6 a.m. in Kozukahara area, Natori city)
While the sky emits vivid light of dawn, staff head further towards the side of the coast (Yuriage area) along prefectural road 129, where walking proves difficult, due to the remaining water and accumulated mud.
Despite the time of day in early morning, many firemen are on a search and rescue mission. Approaching near Shintsuruzuka of Yuriage area, a number of evacuees could be recognized within the upper floors of Yuriage Elementary School building.
At Yuriage Junior High School 500m away from this elementary school, towards the sea (to the east), numerous evacuees have gathered. (past 7 a.m., footage from the sky)
Amid evacuees calling for help, search and rescue activities gradually increase in scale. Staff encounter a scene where iron rescue boats are sent out to save those residents where areas near their home have flooded and are completely isolated.
-Appearing in the footage is reporter Shinichi Nakamura of Sakuranbo Television.-
Видео 大きな被害を受けた名取市 [震災翌日] канала FNN311
The Japanese text is followed by an English translation.
破壊された家々、残骸と化した車、漂流してきた船...津波の威力を物語る被写体が、次々とカメラの前に現れる。(名取市小塚原地区: 朝6:00ごろ)
この小学校から、海岸方向(東側)に約500メートル離れた閖上中学校にも、多数の避難者が集まっている。(上空からの映像: 朝7:00すぎ)
[映像中に登場するリポーターは、さくらんぼテレビジョン・中村慎一 記者]
Footage: Situation at Yuriage area of Natori city in Miyagi prefecture that suffered devastating damage by the tsunami. (March 12th) Natori city is located next to Tohoku region's number one metropolis Sendai, adjacent to its south side. Yuriage area is situated in Natori city's northeastern section, at Natori river's estuary. One night after the disaster, the helicopter captures footage of Natori city from above, where the city is completely covered in water, and clouds of smoke rise profusely from a fire.
On the other hand, staff on ground head out to near the Natori interchange of Sendai-Tobu Road (national highway) and face the aftermath of the giant tsunami that has reached this point 3km away from the estuary. Destroyed homes, cars left in a wreck, boats that drifted inland... Objects that verify the power of the tsunami appear in front of the camera one by one. (around 6 a.m. in Kozukahara area, Natori city)
While the sky emits vivid light of dawn, staff head further towards the side of the coast (Yuriage area) along prefectural road 129, where walking proves difficult, due to the remaining water and accumulated mud.
Despite the time of day in early morning, many firemen are on a search and rescue mission. Approaching near Shintsuruzuka of Yuriage area, a number of evacuees could be recognized within the upper floors of Yuriage Elementary School building.
At Yuriage Junior High School 500m away from this elementary school, towards the sea (to the east), numerous evacuees have gathered. (past 7 a.m., footage from the sky)
Amid evacuees calling for help, search and rescue activities gradually increase in scale. Staff encounter a scene where iron rescue boats are sent out to save those residents where areas near their home have flooded and are completely isolated.
-Appearing in the footage is reporter Shinichi Nakamura of Sakuranbo Television.-
Видео 大きな被害を受けた名取市 [震災翌日] канала FNN311
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28 мая 2014 г. 10:12:09
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