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如何自製?天貝的發酵和做法 [English Sub & recipe] Homemade tempeh | Easy fermentation of making your own tempeh !

【超級營養賽牛肉 防癌抗老降三高 超易製作無失手 素食者或健身愛好者優質蛋白質來源】


發酵需時約 48 小時(隨溫度略有變化)。溫度最初 24 小時請保持在攝氏 29-33 度之間,溫度太高會把菌種燙死;溫度太低會造成發酵不佳甚至形成不好的菌。務必注意保溫,擔心溫度建議使用溫度計定時觀察。
① 白色的菌膜越厚越好
② 手感紮實

未經浸泡的黃豆 200克
米粉(粘米粉 / 在來米粉) 20克
天貝菌 5克


買了天貝/ 成功製作天貝後,想源源不斷的自製天貝菌粉?


如何自製?天貝的發酵和做法 [Eng Sub]
Homemade tempeh | Easy fermentation of making your own tempeh !

Copyright @ 百歲廚娘 陳奶奶健康煮 (The Centenarian Chef Grandma Chan) 2020.
Any reproduction or illegal distribution of the content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned!!

【English Recipe】

Tempeh is a unique traditional and naturally fermented soybean food from Indonesia. It is also a representative food for healthy dining in Southeast Asia, Europe, and America.
It can be fried, stir-fried, boiled, or deep-fried, with a nutty flavor and rich taste.
Every 100 grams of tempeh contains 18.5 grams of protein, which is comparable to beef.
The fermentation of soybeans enhances the digestion and absorption of protein, making it easier for the body to digest and absorb!
It must be mentioned that tempeh is also rich in vitamin B12 and vitamin B complex, so it can be said that vegans are the most suitable to eat tempeh.
With its low-fat and high-protein properties, tempeh is especially suitable for bodybuilders and dieters. It also contains L-carnitine, which can help reduce fat and enhance sports performance!
Fermented soybeans have significant isoflavones, which have antioxidant and osteoporosis prevention properties, making them a very suitable vegan food for women.
Tempeh also help to prevent from cancer, aging and "The three hypers".


Fermentation takes about 48 hours (varies slightly with temperature). Keep the temperature between 29-33°C for the first 24 hours. The mycelium may die if the temperature is too high. If the temperature is too low, it will cause bad fermentation and even bad bacteria formation. Be sure to pay attention to its temperature, use a thermometer for regular observation if needed.

Tempeh can be stored in the refrigerator at a low temperature for about a week. If you want to prolong the storage period, you should add a little bit vinegar and stir well after the soybean is cooled, and before putting the tempeh starter. However, our family doesn't add vinegar because we think it tastes better and the authentic method doesn't use vinegar. For those who can't finish all of them, you can put the remaining tempeh into the freezer to preserve about two to three months.
1. The thicker the white mold, the better the tempeh is fermented
(There are several possibilities if the mycelium is too thin:
Low temperature / insufficient time / uncirculated air during fermentation
2. A firm texture

200g Soybean
20g rice flour
5g tempeh starter
Several ziploc bags

Do you want to make a continuous supply of tempeh starter after you get tempeh?

After finished the fermentation of making tempeh, why not you try to make Grandma Chan's secret recipe for crispy frying tempeh?

Видео 如何自製?天貝的發酵和做法 [English Sub & recipe] Homemade tempeh | Easy fermentation of making your own tempeh ! канала 百歲廚娘 陳奶奶健康煮
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11 апреля 2020 г. 0:39:50
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