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Romanesque Art - 6 Spain

Sixth video about the Romanesque Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message.

Asura Gallery: http://asuragallery.blogspot.com/
Historia del Arte: http://anamurahistoriadelarte.blogspot.com/

Spain is very important in romanesque. Influence of visigothic, merovingian and mozarabic constructions.

XI century.
Aragón. The taqueado jaqués is a kind of checkered decoration. The cathedral of Jaca stands out by its front, same as the Church of Santa Cruz de Serós. Church of the Castle of Loarre. San Juan de la Peña stands out by its sculptures, same as San Pedro de Siresa and the Cloister of San Pedro el Viejo. Sepulchre of Doña Sancha.
León. Church of San Isidoro de León, with nice paintings from the Escuela Castellano-Leonesa, painting with more expressiveness and naturalism, influenced by mozarabic miniatures. More narrative trend. Two covers, Puerta del Cordero y Puerta del Perdón. Santiago de Compostela is very important for pilgrimage. It has the Portada de las Platerías, from romanesque, and Pórtico de la Gloria, from gothic. San Martín de Frómista. About sculpture, are the Crucifix of Fernando I and Doña Sancha, of ivory, and the Cristo de Carrizo, that lost its cross.
Cataluña. Stand out San Genis les Fonts and San Andrés Sureda by their lintels and Arlés-sur-Tech by the decoration and the Sacred Sarcophagus.

XII century. Here I will talk of Castile and its schools. Also the Cloister of Silos and Cataluña.
Escuela de Segovia. Characterized by a portico with round arches over columns, that round the temple in three of its sides. Eastern influence, as the use of caliphal ribbed vault. Churches of San Millán, with the casket, Veracruz, San Esteban, and San Martín.
Escuela de Ávila. Group derived from San Isidoro de León. Here are included the church of San Andrés, the cathedral of Zamora, the Catedral Vieja de Salamanca, the basilicas of San Vicente de Ávila and San Pedro de Ávila and the Colegiata de Santa María la Mayor (Toro).
Escuela de Galicia. Follows the characteristics of Santiago de Compostela. Cathedral of Tuy.
Escuela de Soria. Oriental characters, like in the Cloister of San Juan de Duero, with ribbed arches of horseshoe interlaced, and in San Juan de Rabanera.
In Burgos is the Cloister of Santo Domingo de Silos, standing out by its sculptoric decoration, of educational type in capitals.
Cataluña. In XII century persist some churches with the forms of the first romanesque, and others with influences of the french or italian romanesque. Here is the Seo de Urgel. San Clemente de Tahull is very important by its apse. It’s by the Escuela Catalana of painting, following the byzantine distribution of the paintings. So, in the apse, is the Pantokrator, with the tetramorfos. Ego sum lux mundi. Others here are Sant Pere de Roda, Sant Pedro de Galligans, San Vicente de Cardona, Santa María de Ripoll, with nice front, and Gerona, with nice cloister. Virgin of Gerona. Typical Theotokos, throne of the Child. The Majestat Battló. Christ in triumphant attitude over death.

Sculpture. Monumental decoration, as painting.
XI century. Cataluña, first tries of romanesque sculpture, standing out the lintels and decoration in the three churches I said. In Aragón are the cover of the cathedral of Jaca, and the “capiteles jaqueses”, taqueado jaqués. Sepulchre of Doña Sancha. Plateau (Meseta), byzantine and german influences. I already said the sculpture here above.
XII century. The themes and style of the XI century is expanded. French influence. In Cataluña are the cover of St María de Ripoll and the Cloister of Gerona, more naturalist. In Aragón is lost the elegance of athletic figures and the capiteles jaqueses. Rude figures with great expressiveness, as in San Juan de la Peña. Navarra, various influences, are the cover of Sangüesa and the tympanum of San Miguel de Estella. Plateau (Meseta), influences from the north of Spain, as in the frieze of Carrión de los Condes and the reliefs of the Cloister of Silos.
The Three Masters of the transition to gothic are Maestro de la Cámara Santa, Oviedo; Maestro de San Vicente, Ávila; and Maestro Mateo, Santiago de Compostela, author of the Pórtico de la Gloria.
More Theotokos. Virgin of the Arrixaca. Black Virgin.

In painting I already said the two schools. Just to mention the Tapestry of Creation, with Christ as creator of the universe, the Altar of Santa María Mosoll, with various scenes, and the Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X el Sabio, a songbook with illustrations of instrumentists.

Music: Cantigas de Santa María by Alfonso X el Sabio

Photos taken in Google images.

No copyright infringement intended.

Видео Romanesque Art - 6 Spain канала Asura Gallery - Art History
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