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World’s Most Dangerous Stunts

Thousands from Canada and the United States were at Niagara Falls on June 15, 2012, to witness one of the coolest stunts ever completed.

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5. Who Am I?

Jackie Chan is well known for doing his own stunts. His fighting skills combined with his goofy, one of a kind character have made him a celebrity and one of the most famous personalities in the world. In 1998 he starred, co-wrote and co-directed Who Am I? Perhaps one of his most excellent films. While trying to answer the titular question and eluding mysterious bad guys, Chan performs a litany of difficult stunts, the most dangerous of which has to be sliding down a 21 story skyscraper. Chan did so without the help of a safety harness and, as the movie can attest to even managed to get on his feet and run a few steps down the building.

4. Stratos Jump

Red Bull along with longtime collaborator and professional skydiver Felix Baumgartner got together in 2012 to create one of the greatest stunts and marketing campaigns in recent memory. With millions watching live Baumgartner made a free fall jump from 24 miles above the Earth. He was hurtling through the ground unchecked for nearly four and a half minutes before finally pulling the ripcord to release his parachute. By the time he landed safely on New Mexican soil the man had set five Guinness records, including becoming the first human being to break the sound barrier without engine power. The stunt went well in more ways than could be seen that day. In the year after Baumgartner historic leap Red Bull sales increased a staggering 13% worldwide and 17% in the United States.

3. Snake River Canyon Jump

Evel Knievel became a living legend in the 1970’s thanks to his bevy of ridiculous, death-defying stunts that were often nationally televised. He pulled off some incredible feats like jumping over 50 smashed cars stacked in a pile at the Los Angeles Coliseum in 1973 and jumping over a line of nine cars and a van at Madison Square Garden in 1971. He added to his performances with his outlandish costumes and bravado. In 1974 he would attempt one of his most dangerous stunts and would be lucky to live to tell the tale. So that no one could stop him, the daredevil bought land on both sides of the Snake River Canyon in Idaho. Finally on September 8, strapped to a custom built rocket cycle Knievel attempted to launch himself across the mile-wide river. His parachute deployed too early, and the vehicle, along with the man inside fell to the canyon floor 500 feet below. Remarkably he escaped with nothing more than a broken nose and would go back to doing ridiculous, death defying stunts less than a year later. In September 2016, with much less national attention, stuntman Eddie Braun completed what Knievel couldn’t, making the jump look easy in the process.

2. Ice Cold
Frozen lakes can be incredibly dangerous and unpredictable. They can also be totally awesome and the sight of some reckless, incredible stunts. Arthur and his knights used one to their advantage to ward off an army of approaching Saxons in the 2004 movie King Arthur. A man in Finland recently created an amazing ice carousel on a frozen lake using a chainsaw. Brave souls around the world, like this woman, recklessly jump into frozen lake holes all the time either during polar bear plunges that are held throughout North America and Europe to celebrate the New Year or just to wake themselves up for the day.

1. The Artist Crime of the Century

Born in Nemours France Philippe Petit was always a talented individual who loved displaying his abilities for the masses. He performed magic tricks and learned how to juggle at a young age. By the time he was a teenager, Petit had discovered his one true passion, the tightrope. In the sixties construction began on the World Trade Center in New York City, providing the man with a perfect platform to show off his skills. First, he prepared by traveling between the towers of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and the Sydney Harbor Bridge in Australia. Finally in 1974 Petit made his way west to perform his grandest act yet. After months of sneaky preparation that involved an amount of disguises that would impress Inspector Clouseau, the Frenchmen was ready. After shooting a line across the buildings with a bow and arrow (badass) Petit at a little after seven in the morning and with no one yet watching stepped out onto the wire, with nothing but the rope and 1350 feet worth of air between him and the ground. For nearly an hour, a period of time that has become famous and iconic the world over, Petit crossed to and from the buildings, dancing better than many of the gathering crowd below could manage with sufficiently stable grounding. Eventually, he descended from his epic perch and gave himself up to the waiting authorities but not before creating a scene that will never again be duplicated.

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