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10 Things You Didn't Know About Christmas

10 Things You Didn't Know About Christmas

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The merry season of Christmas has finally arrived, and we hope you all enjoy this year's more than you ever have. Christmas has been a festival of pure joy and happiness, but there are somethings that most people don’t know about, like the origin of Christmas tree or the real-life Santa's address? Excited? In this video, we will tell you 10 amazing facts that you probably didn't know about Christmas. Watch out for number 1 as it will definitely shock you! So, let us begin.
Number 10.) The origin of Christmas Tree
There is no greater iconic symbol of the holiday than the Christmas tree itself, as any Christmas celebration is incomplete without it. But have you ever thought that from where the idea of decorating a tree came from and what did it symbolize? Don't worry, we will answer that for you. It is believed that the early pagan Europeans used to worship trees, and they continued this practice even after they converted to Christianity. It is a vestige of worship of nature, in which the primitive man believed that nature, symbolically represented by the tree, was a conscious entity that could listen to a man's prayers and could direct his life towards good. In its modern form, the centerpiece of festivities was born in Germany in the 16th century and was traditionally decorated with food items such as apples, nuts, and then later, candles and now with the passage of time, it is decorated with a variety of other items too. In the earlier times, the tree decoration custom was not for Christmas, and when Queen Victoria married the German Price Albert, he brought the custom of decorating the Christmas tree from Germany. Later, following the royal celebrities, locals also started the tradition of decorating a tree for Christmas.
Number 9.) Santa Claus
The jolly plump old man with a big white beard and a red suit, Santa Claus, has his origins way back in 218 CE in a small Roman town Patara, near Myra in modern-day Turkey. Saint Nicholas was admired for his piety and kindness, and later became and later became the patron saint of many groups, from sailors to entire nations. Santa's gift-giving nature stems from a story of Saint Nicholas in which he saved 3 young girls from the life of prostitution when he secretly delivered bags of gold to their father, with which he could bear the expenses of their dowries so they could get married instead. It is said that the gold he delivered was via the chimney and that it accidentally dropped in stockings that were drying by the chimney, hence the tradition of gift-giving in stockings. Over the next few hundred years, St. Nicolas took over certain aspects of primitive European deities like the Roman Saturn or Norse Odin, who appeared as white-bearded men having magical flying powers. The transformation to Santa Claus dates to the 19th century, thanks to a series of poets who romanticized the Christmas season and brought out this change, and this chubby grandfatherly faced man, we now know as Santa Claus, was largely created by Thomas Nast, a great political cartoonist in 1860s.
Number 8.) The real-life Santa's address
Most children have written letters to the jolly red man over the decades and demanded their favorite gifts from him too. But did you know, there is a real-world location where you can send him your letters as Santa has a real zip code in Canada! If the letters are sent well before the deadline, they will even respond and write back to you before Christmas. Do you want to know the address so you can write to him, let us make a deal, like this video and we will tell you the address! Done? Ok, so the address is Santa Clause, North Pole, HOH OHO, Canada. Don't forget to tell this address to your friends too so that they also can send him their letters.
Number 7.) Santa's House
If Santa's gift-giving trip happens to be in a Nordic country, each of them claims to have Santa's residence and you are allowed to pay a visit too. In Norway, it is said that Santa lives in Drobak, while people in Denmark claim that he resides in Greenland. In Stockholm, Sweden, the national postal terminal receives children's letters for Santa and in the town of Mora, there is a Santa theme park named Tomteland. Korvatunturi, Finland, has a history of having Santa's home, with its two theme parks, Santa Claus Village and Santa Park. Santa Claus even has a whole town named after him, Santa town in Indiana, and is known for its many themed attractions such as Santa's Candy Castle and the Lake Rudolph campground.

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