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I was pregnant 💔 pregnancy loss story

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month 👼 whether you have experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy .. or maybe you are trying to get pregnant and struggling with infertility Whatever your story is you are valued and loved. Your feelings of anger, frustration, sorrow or even shock are all valid. If there’s one thing I’ve learned through this process, it’s that we are more resilient in the face of adversity than we ever knew possible. 🫶 if you are open and willing and want to share your story below of loss or struggles TTC this is a safe place to make other women know they are not alone and get out your emotions. If you want to share but aren’t emotionally able today, just leave a 🦋 and we will know to send you some love but won’t push for details XX Love you 🫶🩷 #pregnancyloss #ttc #ectopicpregnancy #miscarriage

Видео I was pregnant 💔 pregnancy loss story канала IndiaBatson
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