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Chest Shape, Greasing the Groove, Floor Press (Q&A)

0:00 https://muscularstrength.com/AlphaDestinyFree
0:37 Thoughts on building big traps when your shoulders are fairly narrow? They say it makes the narrow shoulder case even worse.
1:37 Will doing leg press 5x10 for 4 times a week help build my quads?
2:29 You used to get ill a lot. Has your health improved since you ditched animal products?
3:52 Do you recommend full body with calisthenics and how frequently?
5:13 I heard doing 6-12reps in calisthenics is the best for mass is this true? It seems to be working for me.
6:36 Hey Alex my fellow GREEK! Would front squats and Jefferson deads build nice legs? Hamstrings also?
8:01 Can i get a strong squat (200 lbs) and a decent deadlift (350 lbs) training only 2 times a week?
8:46 Thoughts of muscle building from strand pulling ( chest expanders ) was really popular with old time strongman!
9:45 Should you be able to bench the same as you can barbell row?
10:43 Hey Alex, I have shin splints, and have had them for years. How could I gain legs without putting a lot of strain on my shins?
12:17 Back is getting wider but not thicker, what do I do ? Is it just genetic or is there exercise for it ?
13:17 Would doing reverse hypers and hanging leg raises for a mini lower back workout before my squats be detrimental at all?
14:14 Hey Alex, Can greasing the groove increase muscle mass ?
15:26 Macros through expensive food vs cheaper foods ,any difference in gains?
16:17 What's your ideal ab routine?
17:18 Where do you find clothes for short people
18:06 1How would you program the barbell floor press as an accessory movement for the bench press?
9:43 Hi, Alex. I want to maintain strength while improving speed. Can you tell me how to do this, please? I tried to improve both at the same time, but I couldn't recover between sessions.
19:25 If i play tenis/football for 2h today, will my squats/deadlifts/thrusts/lunges or whatever leg exercise i did yesterday, be in vain, since i didnt rest them?
20:22 Somehow my outer chest seems to be lagging. From the front it seems normally developed with the normal lines but from the side my chest kinda blends into the rest of my body. I use pause bench for training and my BF% is pretty low. Any suggestions?
21:35 Do you need to touch your chest on benchpress? Or is going to 90 degrees better?
23:06 Alex what do you think of the seal row? Have you used the exercises before and did you like it?
23:39 Alex, do you believe in the law of attraction?
24:25 What’s your opinion on tattoos?

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Royalty Free Music by Machinimasound.com
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DISCLAIMER: I give general fitness advice, I am NOT a medical professional. All claims are based off my knowledge and education. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program.

Видео Chest Shape, Greasing the Groove, Floor Press (Q&A) канала AlphaDestiny
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20 июня 2018 г. 1:38:22