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Liege syrup recipe sugar free #siropdeliège

Pear and apple syrup, without sugar. A traditional syrup from the Walloon region of Belgium. The tradition dates back to the 17th century, and allowed to store a large harvest for the winter. It is an analogue of Apple butter (in Dutch-speaking regions - Appelstroop, in German-speaking regions - Apfelkraut), but recipe sugar free and with the addition of pears. Sugar is replaced by dates (sometimes apricots). A large amount of fruit yields a large amount of pectin, which is found in the skin of apples and especially pears. Therefore, the consistency of the syrup is thick, similar to jelly.

The syrup is used as a jam - toast, pastries. As a garnish for cheese. And especially - for many dishes, when cooking, in traditional recipes of Valonia and Belgium in general.

Features of cooking syrup recipe:
- The fruit should be thoroughly washed, but not peeled. The peel contains pectin, so it is not peeled, and the core of apples, pears and date pits are removed along with the remaining peel in the middle of cooking. Using a fine sieve.
- Water is added to start the process of juice extraction. Therefore, it does not need much.
- When rubbing through the sieve, it is convenient to use a flexible spatula.
- The pomace can be used to make drink.
- Stir the syrup constantly while boiling it.
- Keep the heat to a minimum at all stages.
- Dates are not a regional product of Belgium. But it has long been traditionally used as a sweetener for the production of this syrup. By adjusting its amount, you can make the syrup sweeter or less sweet. In industrial production, sugar is sometimes used, dates are not used, or they are replaced with apricots. Sometimes citric acid is added. Sometimes cinnamon is added.
- If you use sugar and do not use dates, the last stage of cooking can be halved to 1.5 hours.
- Also, sometimes the ratio of pears to apples can be 1:1, 2:1, 3:1. It's up to your taste.
- Gradual cooling of the finished syrup is important! It helps to create a jelly-like consistency.
- From 5kg of fruit, we got almost 3 litres of juice, and in the end - almost 1.7 litres of syrup.
- You can split the syrup preparation time - the squeezed juice can be stored in the fridge for several days. The finished syrup should be stored in a cool place for up to 10 months, tightly closed with lids.
- Preservation jars must be thoroughly steamed and then thoroughly dried before use.

Pear - 3 kg
Apple - 1.5 kg
Dates - 0.5 kg
Water - 200-400 ml
Calorie content of Sirop de Liège - 910 kcal/100 g (Fat: 0 g, Carbohydrates: 52 g, Protein: 1 g).
The cooking time is 9-10 hours.

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