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Survive the Holidays Debt Free with These 4 Tips

Exchange your time.

Write down a list of everyone you want to get presents for. Let's say it's 25 people. That is just a guess, but it's important to you.

Determine the ones you have to get physical gifts for and the ones that you don't. For example, you may "have" to get something for your 5 year old niece, but not necessarily something physical for your 35 year old brother.

For adults and people that live closer to you, compose a letter like this to send out (physical or video message is best) to them early in December…

Happy Holidays, Uncle Jim. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. I know we usually exchange physical gifts over Christmas, but this year I wanted to try something different and get your feedback. 

It's really important for myself and my family to finally tackle our debt but also get closer to our loved ones so instead of exchanging gifts, we would love to have you and your family over for a wonderful home cooked dinner in the coming weeks or early in 2020 so we can truly connect more. What do you think?

I don't know about you, but if I got this from someone, I would be impressed, especially if it's a handwritten card or if sent via video. It shows vulnerability, appreciation, care, and thoughtfulness. Now it doesn't have to be a dinner that you present, but the point is that you are attempting to show appreciation and care for the other person, which is the whole purpose of a gift.

Exchange Services. This works really well for coaches and independent contractors. While your whole circle may know full well that you are a personal trainer or a life coach or web designer, other circles don't. Let me explain. If you're a personal trainer, you can reach out to a financial coach (like myself) or a top web designer and exchange their services as gifts to your circles.

You can offer something like… "Hey Suzy, I know you're a great web designer and I have 3 friends I want to give gifts for this Christmas that could really use help and direction with their websites. What do you think about gifting me (3) 1-hour sessions and in exchange, I gift you 3 training sessions with me that you can use yourself or give as a gift to someone else.

Find extra work.

Hopefully option A and B can take care of some of your friends and family members. For the rest, you need to either make more money or cut out from other areas. Remove debt from the equation. If you still need 25 gifts that cost $40 each, that means you need to make $1000 extra to pay for these gifts. The sooner you start, the easier it is. Fortunately, it's easier than ever to make money on the side. Do you have an extra bedroom? AirBnb it out for 2–3 weeks. Have a car? Join Uber or Lyft. At $20 per hour, that's 50 hours you must work to pay for your gifts. Look for seasonal jobs.

Take advantage of sales for yourself.
At the end of the day, you'll probably end up buying stuff and if that's the case, you might as well make you money go the furthest for you and those you're giving gifts to. Paying full price during Q4 (business term for Oct-Dec) is stupid to me. I even hold off buying clothes, electronics, and other things until the sales start coming.

Dominate your finances, re invest in yourself, then own your life. That's my mission and vision for you. To start owning your life, visit https://www.bradleyjarryd.com/bestbuys and get 50 pages of the best products, services, and companies that have helped me live debt free and save $100k+ with only a $50k salary.

Looking to eliminate your stress, rebuild your marriage, and gain further clarity with your finances? Schedule a 15 minute call with me BradleyJarryd.com

Thank you so much for watching! I'd love to hear what you think so please leave a comment and let me know what information and videos you would like to watch. :)

Best wishes!

Dave Ramsey Preferred Coach
BradleyJarryd.com // IG: @IamBradleyJarryd

#christmasshopping #savemoney #daveramsey

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15 ноября 2019 г. 21:57:21