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臭豆腐做法【含滷水製作】How to Make Stinky Tofu

臭豆腐做法(臺灣版):從滷水製作到炸臭豆腐 How to Make Stinky Tofu: From the Making of Fermentation Liquid to the Frying of Stinky Tofu


1. 臺式泡菜做法簡介如下:高麗菜洗淨剝小片泡水瀝乾,紅蘿蔔切細絲,撒鹽混勻,等約三十分鐘脫水,把鹽水倒掉,蒜頭切末,與糖、醋(吃辣加辣椒)一起拌入高麗菜冷藏醃漬半天以上即可。
2. 蒜泥醬油做法簡介如下:醬油、水、糖、蒜頭用果汁機或調理機打成泥狀即可,比例可依個人口味自行調整。
3. 這裡示範的臭豆腐版本是臺式臭豆腐。臺式臭豆腐需要先炸過或煮過(如影片所示)才食用。請不要生食。
4. 由於滷水味道很重,很容易吸引蟲過來,因此玻璃甕的蓋子雖然不用完全密封(完全阻絕空氣將無法發酵,也可能在發酵過程中使玻璃甕爆裂),但也不能關太鬆讓蟲有空隙進去。如果怕關太緊,可每隔幾天打開讓它透氣幾秒鐘再關上,也可改用布將罐口蓋住綁好(不需再蓋蓋子,只要確定小蒼蠅無法鑽進去產卵即可)。
5. 滷水發酵過程中,如果表面出現一些白色漂浮物,撈掉即可,但如果是黑色(黴菌)或其它顏色,就需要重做。滷水泡到後來的殘渣並不是很好看,所以這裡的影片把一些畫面跳過去了。基本上,滷水如果有確實按照這裡的做法,放陰涼處,沒讓小蒼蠅進去產卵,天氣熱別放超過一個月,還是有一定的成功機率。天然發酵靠的是空氣與環境中原本就存在的元素與菌種,難免有運氣的成份在內。好的乳酸菌可幫助發酵,但為了避免雜菌干擾,例如黴菌、藻類等微生物孳生,所以放了米酒殺菌。若沒放米酒或溫度超過30℃,仍較易產生雜菌,需縮短發酵時間至一個月。
6. 由於野生的粗莧菜不易找尋,我們這裡採用較容易在市場買到的白莧菜來製作滷水。如果買不到白莧菜或小芥菜,也可用菠菜或其它深綠色蔬菜試看看(有網友留言表示已成功用菠菜與地瓜葉製作滷水)。
7. 如果偏好更臭、更入味的臭豆腐,可以將板豆腐泡滷水的時間延長至兩天。豆腐泡滷水的時間越久,製作出來的臭豆腐的臭勁越強。但泡的時間最好別超過兩三天以上,否則煮的時候會分解爛掉。
8. 滷水做好後,除非已泡過豆腐,否則可以在冰箱冷藏保存至少兩個月。由於滷水不能重複使用,因此建議一次倒一些滷水出來使用即可。
9. 在天氣較熱的季節,如果室內溫度超過攝氏30度,請開空調降低室溫,以降低滷水產生壞菌的機率。
10. 滷水發酵過程中,每天可搖晃缸一至兩次,讓暴露在滷水外可能產生的壞菌有機會被好菌覆滅。

Stinky tofu is one of Taiwan's most famous dishes for international tourists. However, it's difficult to distinguish the naturally made stinky tofu from the one made from chemistry. Wanna learn how to make stinky tofu from the making of fermentation liquid to the frying of stinky tofu? Just follow the steps and make your own natural healthy tasty stinky tofu at home.

1. A brief recipe for Taiwan-styled kimchi: Wash some pieces of round cabbage and drain them. Sprinkle some salt. Mix them with carrot strips. 30 minutes later, get the vegetables off the salty liquid. Mix in some finely chopped garlic, sugar, vinegar, and chilli (optional) and leave them in a fridge for at least 12 hours. Then it's done!
2. A brief recipe for garlic soya sauce: Just put some Taiwanese soya sauce, drinking water, fine sugar, and cloves of garlic into a food processor. Then process them into sauce (for drizzling or dipping). The amount of each ingredient for the sauce is adjustable according to personal preferences.
3. Taiwanese stinky tofu is always cooked (mostly fried or boiled) and seasoned before being served, like what we show you on the videos. Do not eat it raw.
4. During the fermentation process, the fermentation liquid is very attracting to insects. To protect the fermentation liquid from insects, the jar can not be closed too loosely. However, the jar can not be closed too tightly either, otherwise the jar might explode during the fermentation process.
5. During the fermentation process, if there is some white stuff appear on top of the fermentation liquid, just remove it and continue the process. However, the fermentation fails if mould (black or other colours) appears, which is still possible.
6. If you can't find edible white amaranth or small gai choi, you can also try on spinach or other kinds of dark green leafy vegetables to make the fermentation liquid.
7. You can let the firm tofu to be soaked in the fermentation liquid for 2 days if you prefer the stinkier flavour. The longer the tofu is fermented, the stinkier it will be. But don't soak the tofu for more than 2 or 3 days, or the tofu may fall apart while being cooked.
8. Once the fermentation liquid is ready, it can be preserved in a refrigerator for at least two months, unless it has been used. Since the fermentation broth cannot be used repeatedly, use only a small amount of it at a time.
9. In hot seasons, once the temperature is above 30℃, please turn on the air-conditioning to lower the temperature and the risk of producing bacteria.
10. During the fermentation period, the jar can be shook 1-2 times per day to let probiotics cover where bacteria may appear and eliminate them.

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恭喜網友 wewekuo 試做成功 Congratulations on wewekuo's success:

恭喜網友 leochangchen 試做成功 Congratulations on leochangchen's success:

很高興此食譜帶給 莎白Elizabeth 與親友那麼多歡樂 Glad this recipe brings so much joy to the families and friends of 莎白Elizabeth:

豆腐做法 How to Make Tofu

臭臭鍋/麻辣臭豆腐煲做法 How to Make Stinky Tofu Stew (Stinky Hot Pot)

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Видео 臭豆腐做法【含滷水製作】How to Make Stinky Tofu канала 美食二三事 Cooking23s
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