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STOP Chasing Money, Relationships and Success and instead do this (they will chase you)

Once you STOP Chasing Money, Relationships and Success you'll INSTANTLY receive the very thing you gave up. This video I'll show you EXACTLY how to stop chasing it.....so that it can chase you. Once you have this realization.....THERES NO GOING BACK.

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This video. I'm going to show you how to have money, relationships and success chase you. What I share in this video is the key to transformation and it's the key to creating what you want from a higher level of consciousness.

Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now on this video I'm going to be sharing with you how you can stop chasing it and how it can start to chase you, whether that be success, money, relationships, whatever it is.

This has been one of probably the most profound realizations that I've had since I've been on this journey of understanding metaphysics or how our thoughts create our reality. Understanding the way reality works in a way to where then you can in a way kind of hack it and when I learned this, it changed everything because most self development content has to do with that of willpower has to do with that of discipline.

Thinking about something consistently, even when you look at a lot of what you learned in the movie, the secret for example, it's about focusing. It's about wanting. It's about desire. But as you may have seen me share before on the level of consciousness, I'll go ahead and put the chart right here.

The level of consciousness you see, desire resonates at 125 desire doesn't resonate at that high level of a consciousness. That's because when you desire something, you are energetically also saying that you don't currently have it. So a desire is also many times tied to that of a longing, a longing for something. So when we look at these different levels of consciousness, we can see that eventually you see desire, then you'll see willingness.

Willingness is the willpower. Now, where our society has been and where a lot of personal development content is, is that willpower because most people are clearing the bottom layers and then getting into a sense of powerfulness.

You don't feel very powerful if you don't have the discipline or you can't set intentions on what you want or focus on what you want and that many times will move people in a certain direction. So it is very powerful. Willpower can be very powerful.

But when it comes to this understanding, I remember I was with someone at work once and she was telling me she was, we were talking about somebody else that worked there. Um, Gus, that bean, but he was, it was a like a friend of ours and he was trying to um, like get in a relationship with this one girl.

And we realized that the more he chased her, the more she ran away. Does that make sense? So the more somebody wants someone else, the more someone else can feel that energy, they then go further away. And it's because of the energy resonance is because they can feel that neediness from that person.

So therefore they're running. So they're chasing them. But if they're chasing them, it means that the other person's running away. So you see this as a two, two way thing when it comes to that of relationships, success and money. When it wants to come to you, it wants to come to you.

But it's running away because the energy field that you have says I really, really want you. And then you look like crazy and like you, you just really, really need it. And of course that off puts it in general. So the key is understanding that when you really, really want you vibrationally say, I really, really don't currently have, and then there's this desperate resistance to it because right now in the present moment it's not good enough.

It's not good enough because in the future when you have that thing, when you have that relationship, when you have that money, when you have that success, then you can feel happy. So your energy fields in the present moment carries with it a sense of lack.

But if you were in to instead feel the abundance that you have right now and you were to instead feel the emotions that you'd want to experience right now, eventually those things because of vibrational resonance can make them appear. They can literally.....

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Music released by Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE
Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8

Видео STOP Chasing Money, Relationships and Success and instead do this (they will chase you) канала Aaron Doughty
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12 августа 2019 г. 22:30:00
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