Creating a Random Process Fitted Line Plot in Excel 2007
I use data representing the amount of natural gas used in my home on a daily basis for 30 consecutive days to demonstrate the creation of a random process fitted line plot. I also show calculation of the statistic RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) and use it to represent the quality of fit.
The random process model assumes the data fluctuates randomly around a constant level - which we estimate with the mean of the data we've collected.
Видео Creating a Random Process Fitted Line Plot in Excel 2007 канала ProfTDub
The random process model assumes the data fluctuates randomly around a constant level - which we estimate with the mean of the data we've collected.
Видео Creating a Random Process Fitted Line Plot in Excel 2007 канала ProfTDub
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5 октября 2010 г. 20:56:16
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