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Day 33 of EPIC _ Dumbbell LEGS + BICEP Workout - Caroline Girvan

Complete lower body and biceps workout... dumbbells ready to go! Glutes, hamstrings, quads, core and of course biceps will be working hard throughout this dumbbell workout!! You will also need a mat. I am using 2 different weights but this is not necessary! The Dumbbells I am using are 8kg x 2 and 10kg x 2 for your reference! As you will see below, the workout consists of 2 complexes for lower body (1 with 2 dumbbells and the other with 1 dumbbell). The second complex requires to switch sides after all 4 exercises have been completed! COMPLEX (10 minutes everything 10 reps) DEAD STOP LUNGE DEAD STOP LUNGE CURTSEY LUNGE CURTSEY LUNGE ROMANIAN DEADLIFT 30 rest 30 on/30 off ALTERNATING CURLS ALTERNATING CURLS REVERSE LOWER CURLS REVERSE LOWER CURLS HAMMER CURLS HAMMER CURLS CROSS BODY CURLS CROSS BODY CURLS WIDE CURLS WIDE CURLS 30 rest COMPLEX (10 minutes everything 10 reps) Repeat all opp side UNEVEN LUNGE CURTSEY LUNGE STAGGERED RDL UNEVEN SQUAT UNEVEN LUNGE CURTSEY LUNGE STAGGERED RDL UNEVEN SQUAT 30 rest PALMS UP CURLS PALMS UP CURLS ALT HAMMER CURL x 2 W/HOLD ALT HAMMER CURL x 2 W/HOLD CURL HOLD CURL HOLD CURL TO EXTERNAL ROTATE CURL TO EXTERNAL ROTATE 1 minute SUMO TO HAND TAP SQUAT WALK SQUAT ON TOES HAMSTRING MARCH HAMSTRING DEAD STOP Finisher: ROMANIAN TO CURL TO SQUAT! 1 min Remember to take it slow.. particularly the complexes and curls... it will make it more challenging if you control the movements! Some general tips for this workout: ⭐️Place mat under when performing dead stop lunges. Lower slowly to dead stop lunge to prevent any impact to knees when they make contact to mat. ⭐️During bodyweight sumo to hand tap, keep back flat so you touch hands to floor in a Romanian deadlift position! I hope you all enjoy the intensity of this session! I know you all love the challenge and no doubt you will embrace the🔥! ▶ My FREE 10 Week Program Guide and Schedule: https://carolinegirvan.com

Видео Day 33 of EPIC _ Dumbbell LEGS + BICEP Workout - Caroline Girvan автора Домашние тренировки
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