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The Kebra Nagast speaks loudly concerning the heart of ZION, and it gives inspiration that all elites of the fold of Igzee’abihier accepted the understanding of such mystery of The God head.
I open my heart to learning, and with this post, I take great opportunity to declare the glorious mystery of my Father, the Great Igzee’abihier.
Bless be Him Negusa Nagast ze Ityopiya Qedamawi hayl Selassie.
With great proof, I take pleasure to highlight …V.—THE CONTENTS OF THE KEBRA NAGAST …
[The book opens with an interpretation and explanation of the Three Hundred and Eighteen Orthodox Fathers concerning the children of Adam, and the statement that the Trinity lived in Zion, the Tabernacle of the Law of God, which God made in the fortress of His holiness before He made anything else. The Trinity agreed to make man in God's image, and the Son agreed to put on the flesh of Adam; man was made to do two things, either to take the place of Satan or to praise God. In due course Christ, the second Adam, was born of the flesh of Mary the Virgin, the Second Zion (Chap. 1)].
In Chap. 11 we have another declaration by the 318 Orthodox Fathers that:
1. The Tabernacle of the Law (i.e. the Ark of the Covenant) was created before the heavens, the earth and its pillars, the sea, and men and angels;
2. It was made by God for His own abode;
3. It is on the earth. The Zion wherein God dwelt in heaven before the creation was the type and similitude of the Virgin Mary.
Chap. 17 describes the glory of Zion, i.e. the Tabernacle of the Law of God which God brought down from heaven to earth, and showed Moses, and ordered him to make a copy of it.
Go read the Kebra Nagast for yourself
It’s a known fact, as with knowledge taken from the Kebra Nagast shows that The Tabernacle of God and Zion is one and same. The Tabernacle cannot exist without Zion, and Zion cannot exist without the Tabernacle of God, as the “Trinity lived in Zion, the Tabernacle of the Law of God, which God made in the fortress of His holiness before He made anything else’. With understanding, it gives reasoning that where so ever the Tabernacle takes residence; it’s the heart of Zion. In understanding, the fullness and act of the Temple and the City of David indeed is depicting Zion where the Ark of the Covenant dwells. Therefore the Kebra Nagast is continuous with the Book of Enoch and the 66 canon version given by mankind.
I must first remind all ones and ones about the great revelation given unto John on the isle of Patmos, where a thing was revealed unto him regarding the divine aspect of the coming Messiah and his existence on earth with man. The Book of Revelation gives highlights saying, “And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God”. Revelation 21:3-4 King James Version (KJV)
In that the Tabernacle of God now becomes an earthly domain, it’s natural that the Son within the Trinity becomes man, yet above man, being “Son of man”, yet “Son of God”.
Jah is glorious in all endeavors, and he wills what is to be, but as Igzee’abihier appears between the cherubim of the “mercy seats”, it shows that the Son of man must likewise attain the axis of these two cherubim. The cherubim are an idea, and act without prejudice for a mediator between mankind and Igzee’abihier, creating that atmosphere of will for physical communication.
Ahhha haa … It’s knowingly truthful, as one bears witness seeing Jah having the heathen in derision. The voice of many thinking that I’m a gainsayer, but my proof is within the Kebra Nagast Chapter 10, Concerning ZION saying,
"And I swear by Myself and by ZION, the Tabernacle of My covenant, which I have created for a mercy seat and for the salvation of men, and in the latter days I will make it to come down to thy seed, that I will have pleasure in the offerings of thy children upon earth, and the Tabernacle of My covenant shall be with them for ever. The “Ark of the Covenant” being Zion is of great importance to the God head, as it is a witness of Jah’s presence to all sons and daughters of Igzee’abihier.
Paul within his ministry, as a witness, sought to speak on the fullness of the Ark of the Covenant, but did not count it a possibility to disclose the mystery during his writing of the epistle of the Book of Hebrews. The 66 canon version proclaim the words of Paul saying, “…the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant; And over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercyseat; of which we cannot now speak particularly”. (Hebrew 9:4-6)

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2 марта 2020 г. 3:55:26