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China's Innovation Trends 2021 - Pascal's China Lens week 26

Title: China's Innovation Trends 2021
Website: https://www.pascalcoppens.com/

CONTENT: The video is in 2 parts. The first part talks about how 5G and Blockchain applications will be the big trend for 2021 with 5G enabling remote control of precision operations and Blockchain to create a more trustworthy trading and service handling. The second part talks about the industries that will be disrupted most in 2021, which are the labor intensive industries: Agriculture, Healthcare, supply-chain, custom manufacturing and government smart city services. These are the industries to watch in 2021.

I believe 2021 will really be the year of 5G and blockchain.
For 2020, what we saw is that a lot of that investment went into 5G and today after one year, China already has 300 cities,
300 large and smaller cities with full coverage of 5G.
There are already 175 million 5G enabled smartphones sold in China,
80% of the world's 5G enabled communication is happening in China.
So China has become the most connected place on the planet just in 2020 and that will reshape society in 2021.
It means that suddenly it's not just about the infrastructure and being able to download movies faster,
now suddenly the whole industry can change because everything can happen remotely,
more efficiently, more automated and so on.
We saw China the past two years invest in a lot of new applications and one of them is self-driving cars
which you need 5G for because it's just too much information to be handled.
So 5G is helping with these self-driving cars but we primarily saw a lot of remote environments taking shape,
think about telemedicine if you remember Wuhan in lockdown in January, February, March and April.
Well, what happened is that these doctors couldn't reach into the city, into the province anymore of Hunan
and so telemedicine was the best choice but also people were in lockdown
and so they could get a diagnosis from doctors remotely,
doctors could work with each other with virtual reality goggles to share experiences.
This whole 5G came to life and I'm convinced that China has saved a lot of lives,
I don't know how many but they did save lives because of 5G already being operational in China.
Cool stuff like a remote surgery is happening now, that is not of course so much needed during the pandemic
but it's interesting because China has a lack of doctors
and because of that a doctor that is maybe based 2000 kilometers away can actually do the surgery on someone else
in a remote village or a remote clinic somewhere.
Very interesting trend happening so it's all about remote,
you see remote mining coming up, lots of remote environments that are not possible through 5G
and so this in my view will really change China in 2021.
Now the other thing is blockchain.
In 2019, just a year ago Xi Jinping announced that blockchain will be this new trusted technology for China
and so when he gave the green light,
all these industries, smart manufacturing, smart supply chain, think about smart finance,
all these industries started creating blockchain applications.
This was just a year ago and you see that in just 5-6 months,
that was by Spring this year that China created the blockchain service network,
the largest blockchain network in the world so that everybody could tap into it
and so this is an amazing concept that they've now suddenly changed into creating this environment.
It has a lot to do with the fact that trust is often a problem inside China, not just with China but inside China,
and when it's about quality of products, quality of supply chain, quality of production,
they need something and blockchain is helping them.
Alibaba with Ant Financial has created the biggest chain of all, they have the most patents in the world of blockchain
and so they're using this in real life.
This is a technology coming out of Alibaba which is about creating a blockchain environment for trade
specifically for cross-border trade.
It means that when we want to do business with China,
they will create all these blockchain environments or blockchain models and tokens
so that you can actually have a safe transaction with China.
It means clearance documents for customs, shipping documents, contracts, anything in trade that you would need,
payments and so on are all going to be underlying with blockchain
and so if we want to do business with China in the future, we will almost have to go on the Chinese blockchain

Pascal Coppens, China, innovation, trends, keynote, speaker, public speaker,

Website: http://www.pascalcoppens.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pacovision/
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTdWsl15oEt0nZZy9Z1fnhQ?



Видео China's Innovation Trends 2021 - Pascal's China Lens week 26 канала Pascal Coppens
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