Will Chinese keep studying abroad? - Pascal's China Lens Week 12
Title: Will Chinese keep studying abroad?
Website: https://www.pascalcoppens.com/
I explain how Chinese students will keep studying abroad, but will migrate away from US and Australia with all tensions happening towards Europe + UK.
What are Chinese students, that are traveling abroad to study, going to do in the future,
post-corona, in 2021 and beyond?
Well I think there are a lot of things that are going to change
and today there are a lot of students traveling abroad or studying abroad.
If you look at all the university lists and the top hundred,
most of them in the world are in the US and in the UK
so that's where they want to go.
It's also the fact that if you look within these universities like MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, Oxford, Cambridge,
the best students are often Chinese.
Also because the Chinese education system is so tough
and there are a lot of difficulties to get into these universities.
So great students traveling abroad,
it really helps the economy because individually every country,
the US is getting 4 billion dollars in tuition fees every year from 370,000 students entering every year,
Australia is at 140,000, the UK and Canada are at about 120,000.
The UK has almost 2 billion dollars in tuition fees every year from Chinese students, they can't just lose that,
that would be so much money.
Now, why are Chinese students studying abroad?
The main reason is experience, diversity and the best universities.
But they want to be able to show and tell their social environment,
as well as for their job opportunities in the future,
that they've lived as a global citizen.
So they want to do this and they will continue doing this.
That means that the tuition fees which is often 50 to a 100,000 dollars a year
are paid by each of these Chinese parents.
These universities and higher education environments will lose that money
if these students are not coming anymore.
What's happening now with the tensions between America and China is that it's starting to change.
Just in the last months,
America revoked more than a thousand visas of Chinese students because they were linked somehow to
the Chinese Communist Party or Military Research Institute or School,
and these are actually the best schools and universities in China, the military schools.
If you happen to have studied there, you're not allowed in the US anymore
even if you're some of the smartest people in the world when it comes to science.
So this is a problem and because of that the narrative in the US has become that most Chinese are spies,
so that means that these Chinese students are feeling like everyone around them
are starting to look at them like they're trying to steal stuff from America.
This is fueling racism and a lot of Chinese students don't feel at home in America anymore,
the parents are not comfortable anymore
and don't trust the political and academic system of the US anymore because of that.
The parents and the students,
both are reconsidering to not go to America and so where are they going to go?
They're maybe going to go to other places
but almost 40% according to certain surveys
are reconsidering not to go to the US.
It means that a lot of US universities will lose their budgets,
maybe some of them will even go bankrupt because of it especially with Covid-19
they've already lost a lot of money.
Of course there's still this online learning today and you could say students in America
that are having online learning courses, have fewer risks.
But there's a new regulation in the US now:
if you study online at a university in the US and if you don't have any local education or courses
that are happening physically or offline then you can't stay in the US,
your visa will not be prolonged.
So a lot of Chinese students because of the online courses now with Covid-19
will be forced to leave the country as well,
we're going to see a lot of students leaving the US or not going to the US anymore in the years to come.
Where are they going to go?
Australia is not a very good choice because Australia, just like the US,
is following the same example to kind of ban Chinese students more and more.
The problem is that 25-30% of the tuition fees of Australian universities
are coming from Chinese students.
Are they going to survive?
It's going to be a big pressure in the US because of the declining investments or subsidies
to universities and higher education,
these Chinese students have become the cash cow, paying so much money for most universities so it's changing the whole economy.
Pascal Coppens, China, innovation, trends, keynote, speaker, public speaker, Chinese overseas students, US student visa
Website: http://www.pascalcoppens.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pacovision/
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTdWsl15oEt0nZZy9Z1fnhQ?
Видео Will Chinese keep studying abroad? - Pascal's China Lens Week 12 канала Pascal Coppens
Website: https://www.pascalcoppens.com/
I explain how Chinese students will keep studying abroad, but will migrate away from US and Australia with all tensions happening towards Europe + UK.
What are Chinese students, that are traveling abroad to study, going to do in the future,
post-corona, in 2021 and beyond?
Well I think there are a lot of things that are going to change
and today there are a lot of students traveling abroad or studying abroad.
If you look at all the university lists and the top hundred,
most of them in the world are in the US and in the UK
so that's where they want to go.
It's also the fact that if you look within these universities like MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, Oxford, Cambridge,
the best students are often Chinese.
Also because the Chinese education system is so tough
and there are a lot of difficulties to get into these universities.
So great students traveling abroad,
it really helps the economy because individually every country,
the US is getting 4 billion dollars in tuition fees every year from 370,000 students entering every year,
Australia is at 140,000, the UK and Canada are at about 120,000.
The UK has almost 2 billion dollars in tuition fees every year from Chinese students, they can't just lose that,
that would be so much money.
Now, why are Chinese students studying abroad?
The main reason is experience, diversity and the best universities.
But they want to be able to show and tell their social environment,
as well as for their job opportunities in the future,
that they've lived as a global citizen.
So they want to do this and they will continue doing this.
That means that the tuition fees which is often 50 to a 100,000 dollars a year
are paid by each of these Chinese parents.
These universities and higher education environments will lose that money
if these students are not coming anymore.
What's happening now with the tensions between America and China is that it's starting to change.
Just in the last months,
America revoked more than a thousand visas of Chinese students because they were linked somehow to
the Chinese Communist Party or Military Research Institute or School,
and these are actually the best schools and universities in China, the military schools.
If you happen to have studied there, you're not allowed in the US anymore
even if you're some of the smartest people in the world when it comes to science.
So this is a problem and because of that the narrative in the US has become that most Chinese are spies,
so that means that these Chinese students are feeling like everyone around them
are starting to look at them like they're trying to steal stuff from America.
This is fueling racism and a lot of Chinese students don't feel at home in America anymore,
the parents are not comfortable anymore
and don't trust the political and academic system of the US anymore because of that.
The parents and the students,
both are reconsidering to not go to America and so where are they going to go?
They're maybe going to go to other places
but almost 40% according to certain surveys
are reconsidering not to go to the US.
It means that a lot of US universities will lose their budgets,
maybe some of them will even go bankrupt because of it especially with Covid-19
they've already lost a lot of money.
Of course there's still this online learning today and you could say students in America
that are having online learning courses, have fewer risks.
But there's a new regulation in the US now:
if you study online at a university in the US and if you don't have any local education or courses
that are happening physically or offline then you can't stay in the US,
your visa will not be prolonged.
So a lot of Chinese students because of the online courses now with Covid-19
will be forced to leave the country as well,
we're going to see a lot of students leaving the US or not going to the US anymore in the years to come.
Where are they going to go?
Australia is not a very good choice because Australia, just like the US,
is following the same example to kind of ban Chinese students more and more.
The problem is that 25-30% of the tuition fees of Australian universities
are coming from Chinese students.
Are they going to survive?
It's going to be a big pressure in the US because of the declining investments or subsidies
to universities and higher education,
these Chinese students have become the cash cow, paying so much money for most universities so it's changing the whole economy.
Pascal Coppens, China, innovation, trends, keynote, speaker, public speaker, Chinese overseas students, US student visa
Website: http://www.pascalcoppens.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pacovision/
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTdWsl15oEt0nZZy9Z1fnhQ?
Видео Will Chinese keep studying abroad? - Pascal's China Lens Week 12 канала Pascal Coppens
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18 сентября 2020 г. 11:32:33
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