【和訳】YouTubeで歌っていたソフィが、イジメを乗り越え世界の舞台へ | AGT 2019
7th Grade / by Sophie Pecora
和訳: ヒロキ
I was torn down in the 7th grade
All the things people used to say
It stuck in my mind, now it'll come for me
I hate words sometimes
They're so powerful but not mine
(言葉が嫌い いつも傷つく)
When I try to talk I say I'm fine
No one ever really knows I'm lying
(大丈夫って言うけど 全部嘘なの)
Sitting in the classroom's worse than cryin'
Try to hide it, my face is burning up
(教室にいるのが辛い 赤い顔を隠せない)
Teacher says "no test today," I act excited
(「今日はテスト無し」ああ 喜ばないと)
That's what everyone else is doing
(みんなやってるから いまは耐えないと)
I gotta get through it
Hold my pencil in my hand so tight I think I'll get some bruises
I'm that clueless, I'm that clueless
They always say not to talk down on myself, but that's what everyone else is doing
(人を見下すな」って言うけど それはみんながしてること)
"How do these people that don't know me hurt me so bad?"
I might just be too sensitive; why am I always so sad?
(「自分のせい? 教えてよ」と)
But all day I hide my sadness way deep down inside my heart
And if I show it to anybody, they would rip it all apart
No, we're not paranoid, just grown to be aware
If they act all nice at first and even save you up a chair
(初めは仲良し 「隣に座って」)
What do they want? This is a trick, this is a trap
I can't go on, hide in the bathroom till they're gone
No way someone would actually want me
I was torn down in the 7th grade
All the things people used to say
It stuck in my mind, now it'll come for me
My heart used to beat until the 7th grade
It's getting hard to even say anything
It stuck in my mind, now it'll come for me
And now I know to feel, well it's okay
I've heard the words, won't take them to my grave
I was torn down in the 7th grade
Видео 【和訳】YouTubeで歌っていたソフィが、イジメを乗り越え世界の舞台へ | AGT 2019 канала トップ・タレント・ジャパン
7th Grade / by Sophie Pecora
和訳: ヒロキ
I was torn down in the 7th grade
All the things people used to say
It stuck in my mind, now it'll come for me
I hate words sometimes
They're so powerful but not mine
(言葉が嫌い いつも傷つく)
When I try to talk I say I'm fine
No one ever really knows I'm lying
(大丈夫って言うけど 全部嘘なの)
Sitting in the classroom's worse than cryin'
Try to hide it, my face is burning up
(教室にいるのが辛い 赤い顔を隠せない)
Teacher says "no test today," I act excited
(「今日はテスト無し」ああ 喜ばないと)
That's what everyone else is doing
(みんなやってるから いまは耐えないと)
I gotta get through it
Hold my pencil in my hand so tight I think I'll get some bruises
I'm that clueless, I'm that clueless
They always say not to talk down on myself, but that's what everyone else is doing
(人を見下すな」って言うけど それはみんながしてること)
"How do these people that don't know me hurt me so bad?"
I might just be too sensitive; why am I always so sad?
(「自分のせい? 教えてよ」と)
But all day I hide my sadness way deep down inside my heart
And if I show it to anybody, they would rip it all apart
No, we're not paranoid, just grown to be aware
If they act all nice at first and even save you up a chair
(初めは仲良し 「隣に座って」)
What do they want? This is a trick, this is a trap
I can't go on, hide in the bathroom till they're gone
No way someone would actually want me
I was torn down in the 7th grade
All the things people used to say
It stuck in my mind, now it'll come for me
My heart used to beat until the 7th grade
It's getting hard to even say anything
It stuck in my mind, now it'll come for me
And now I know to feel, well it's okay
I've heard the words, won't take them to my grave
I was torn down in the 7th grade
Видео 【和訳】YouTubeで歌っていたソフィが、イジメを乗り越え世界の舞台へ | AGT 2019 канала トップ・タレント・ジャパン
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10 апреля 2024 г. 14:00:40
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