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"Sailors, old chaps" (Russian Sea Shanty) — English subs and translation

Russian Empire, circa 1830

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Folk song of Russian sailors, very reminiscent of the "sea shanty" traditional for the British fleet. It tells about the cruise of the Baltic Fleet from Kronstadt to Helsingfors (modern Helsinki), about the parting and the long-awaited meeting of the sailor with his girlfriend. The language of the song is quite archaic and conveys the features of folk speech and naval slang of that era. The song can be dated back to 1830s, since, firstly, Finland already belongs to Russia, and secondly, the navy already has steam ships, which is reflected in the lyrics. Performed by the "Valaam" choir.

Portrayed by a group of Russian sailors from the photo which was taken in America back to 1863. These seamen belonged to the squadron sent by the Russian Empire in order to support the Union during the Civil War (1861—1865).


Вы, матросики-батюшки,
Молоды ребятушки!
Вотъ какъ въ апрѣлѣ-мѣсяцѣ
Намъ назначенъ былъ походъ,
Намъ назначенъ былъ походъ —
Идти въ Ревель, въ Гельсингфорсъ.
Перебрались на корабли;
Объ насъ дѣвки плакали.
Говорила тутъ дѣвкѣ мать,
Чтобъ матросъ не принимать:
«​Они​ здѣсь теперь гуляютъ,
Завтра Выборгъ посѣщаютъ;
​Они въ Выборгѣ побыли,
Въ Гельсингфорсъ опять отплыли.»
— «Полно ты, матка, не бранись
И съ матросомъ помирись!
Сентябрь-мѣсяцъ настаётъ,
Флотъ въ Кронштадтъ опять придётъ.
Флотъ на якорь становится:
Надъ Кронштадтомъ дымъ клубится.
Матросъ на берегъ съѣзжаетъ,
Ко мнѣ въ гости поспѣшаетъ.
Онъ въ синемъ ​морѣ​ походилъ,
Много денегъ накопилъ,
Что много денегъ накопилъ,
Мнѣ подарковъ накупилъ,
Мнѣ подарковъ-то накупилъ, —
Крѣпче прежняго любилъ!»

Видео "Sailors, old chaps" (Russian Sea Shanty) — English subs and translation канала A life for the Czar
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