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Why Palpatine was actually a good guy who saved quadrillions of lives

Throughout humanities existence, history has always been written by the victors. The same is true in star Wars. Written by the notable Republic and Jedi sympathiser, George Lucas, the original trilogy shows us the events from the point of view of the victorious rebel alliance.
We are therefore presented with the view that the rebels were freedom fighters restoring the good and rightous Republic from the clutches of the tyrannical empire

While it is still the widespread belief that Palpatine is in fact evil, The Mandalorian and the Prequels have both briefly delved into the opposing view, that the Republic was corrupt and chaotic while the Rebels were a terrorist group (from a certain point of view)

In this video we will be exploring the alternative perspective and asking the question, Was Palpatine actually a force for good?

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So first of all, yes Palpatine did some awful things. He orchestrated the Clone Wars, Blew up Alderaan and implemented a harsh and oppressive regime across the galaxy. And of course these are all awful things. However, to determine whether these actions were actually justified within the context of the Star Wars Galaxy, we must first explore some of the philosophy surrounding morality and what actually makes someone good or evil.

The moral philosophy of consequentialism might actually suggest that Palpatine was a good guy. In its most basic form consequentialism suggests that the consequences of someones actions should form the basis in understanding whether or not those actions are right or wrong. For example, if an evil genius and his goons were about to blow up London, a consequensialist would argue that it would be morally right to kill the evil genius if it was the only way to stop him destroying London and everyone in it, even though murder is usually seen as morally wrong.

The same can be argued with Palpatine only on a much grander scale. It could be argued that he created the empire to protect the citizens of the galaxy from a far greater threat; The yuuvung vong.

This species had originally been peaceful and deeply connected to their planet through the force. However, a war between two advanced AI pushed the yuvung vongs culture and evolution in a dark and violent direction. Using biological technology gifted to them by their sentient homeworld, they eventually drove the AI from their galaxy. They would be left with a deep hatred for any machines and a desire for war and conquest. They soon turned their advanced weaponry on each other and other biological species. The resulting war left their whole galaxy uninhabitable. The survivors spent the next few thousand years travelling to the galaxy far far away on thousands of 100 km bioships. The first yuvung vong scouts ships arrived during the Old Republic era, with just one small probe ship decimating a whole brigade of neo-crusader Mandalorians, it's weapons able to melt through baskar as though it was wax. When the main invasion arrived around 30 years after the battle of yavin, 325 trillion inhabitants of the star wars galaxy were wiped out. They even took over corusant and terraformed it to suit their needs. It was only through sheer luck that the New Republic was able to defeat them and in all problibilty, the yuzung vong should have completely steam rolled them.

So how is the related to Palpatine? Well in actual fact, Palpatine was one of the few individuals who was aware of this incoming invasion and had been informed about the yuvung vong well before the Clone Wars took place. It is even possible that the Sith were aware of the Vong probe incursions as far back as Darth Bane himself. In fact, the reason Grand Admiral Thrawn joined the empire was to help organise the galaxy into a military machine that could protect his species, the Chiss, from the impending invasion. Likewise, Palpatines acceptance of Thrawn into his human centric military was largely because he held vital information on the Vong.

Видео Why Palpatine was actually a good guy who saved quadrillions of lives канала Vader's Fortress
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