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I only ate potatoes for two weeks

What if you ate only potatoes for two weeks?
It was a wild ride! And I lost a stone (14 pounds)

Video transcription:
What if you only ate potatoes for two weeks?

So we're actually going to Tesco right now, to get a bag of potatoes, what's the time?


It's late

It's 11 O'clock

Here we go

Desiree potatoes, King Edward potatoes, Baking sweet potatoes, white potatoes, Jacket potatoes, sweet potatoes, imperfect potatoes, Maris piper potatoes, baby potatoes, Rudolph potatoes, Jersey royals.
Let's just deal with these...

So here it is, the first potato. Copped, boiled and ready for tomorrow.

And because we all want to know, here's how much I weigh.

Exactly 14 stone

That's 14 stone with a little bit of beer in that belly.
It's currently the 16th of May 2017 and here it is.

I've never felt so nervous eating a potato before

So I've just got back from work and I'm feeling really rough, which is weird, I shouldn't cos I've bad days of eating before. this just feels like my body's screeming out for this like....

So I've got this baked potato going and I'm boiling tomorrow's potatoes

But by the end, I'm hoping to be some sort of like potato god, you know, like some guru

Get enlightened by potatoes.

Oh god.

I usually poop every morning at around 11 o'clock and I didn't go yesterday, it took until 12 o'clock today. That's 25 hours later! Jesus.

And I feel like that bit's only going to get worse

Let's talk about the Bristol stool scale.

A scale from 1 to 7 to show the different types of poops you can have.

Obviously, these don't endorse me

This is a number 1

Then this is a 3

And then you get up to 7

The 16th I might not have gone, but on the 17th my body complained

So, I don't think I'm going to eat many more boiled potatoes because they're just kind of wet and slimy. Like eating slugs all day. I'd rather just eat baked potatoes and pre-prepare them.

There's a reason for this.

That's Hayley, my partner of 8 years. I haven't told her yet, I'm 3 days in and she doesn't like my stupid ideas

2 weeks of only eating potatoes

You're kidding me?

I've done it for 2 days already

so does that mean you can eat McDonald's chips?

No, I can't have chips, I can only have either baked or boiled potatoes, I've got wait until I get home now

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard

Matt no, I don't like these fad diets they're ridiculous

It is a fad diet

It isn't

It's stupid, no, that's really annoyed me

She was really annoyed until she realised that for two weeks she could eat great food and just watch me suffer

So the next few days went fine

And then I switched to sweet potatoes, everyone loves sweet potatoes, but if you bake them and eat them whole with their hard leathery skin and their weird, slimy insides.

You realise. They're disgusting

And then this happened

These things tore me apart

And the next 4 days was full of one and two's

I can't even smell them.

It's a potato, it shouldn't be hard.

I like these normally

Why is it so disgusting?

That was absolutely foul

I can't. I just literally can't

So after that, I changed back to normal potatoes and things became a dream

Things were just happening, things were so much clearer

I didn't worry about what I was eating next because I knew what it'd be, so I just started getting on with it

Yeah the food was boring, but I felt really good, all that until I reached it

Full potato enlightenment

I'm feeling just awful at the moment

I got this bowl full of potatoes, I'm just feeling really like...

I dunno.

I don't want to say faint, even know I was. I've just got to eat more of these, maybe I'm not eating enough. I dunno.

They're doing what they're supposed to be doing, filling my stomach and making me not feel hungry, but because of that, I can tell I'm just not eating enough anymore.

My stomach has shrunk so much

I'm not feeling very hungry. Feeling very hungry? God I can't speak

That's a lot of weight

Things were pretty bad

I couldn't function properly anymore and me and Hayley were arguing

So over my last potato, let's talk about what I've learnt

Honestly, the hardest thing wasn't really the cravings, which were pretty bad at first

It was just really boring

And that's coming from someone who obviously is living in Britain and has everything in the world around me

It made me grateful for the small foods that I didn't really like, which I've just taken for granted

Because right now, I'd kill for them

I just never realised the gravity of the luxury

I started feeling really lethargic and I just couldn't work as well


This is my last potato

How big is that shot glass?


Thank god that's over

This feels like a big thing, even know it isn't

I'm just about to eat some cheese

Oh my god

Видео I only ate potatoes for two weeks канала Matt Nōmmé
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11 июня 2017 г. 18:53:38