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Smokey & The Bandit Tribute Truck Ep.11 Thems the Brakes

#ProjectSnowman #twinsticks #twinstickgarage

On this episode I continue with the ongoing restoration of this 1979 Kenworth W900A truck to turn it into a tribute movie truck to the one used in the 1977 classic movie Smokey and the Bandit with Burt Reynolds, Jerry Reed and Jackie Gleason. If you haven’t seen it yet, there’s no excuse “I’m placing you under arrest for the transportin’ of alcoholic beverages across state lines without the proper permits”

Now that I got some momentum going on this build, I continued with the disassembly of the brakes although one of the drums was especially stubborn and I had to remove the entire drum and hub as a single assembly. Now that the brakes are all taken apart, its off to the truck store to buy some new goodies to install in the next episode.

Hope you enjoy the video and thanks for all the comments, suggestions and support!
Keep in mind, I know a little about a lot but not an expert in anything … just doing the best I can, learning as I go ... I do all my own stunts

Remember, when working with potentially dangerous items like semi brake chambers, please be sure you know and understand the risks and how to manage them safely before you start working on them. If you don’t know, ask a professional for help/guidance

Enjoy watching the progress of this Kenworth W900A project, the ongoing Peterbilt 359 and the upcoming #IronDuke Kenworth K100 cabover I’m planning to build up like the one used in the 70’s trucking movie High Ballin’ with Jerry Reed and Peter Fonda.

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See more on Instagram @359twinsticks

Видео Smokey & The Bandit Tribute Truck Ep.11 Thems the Brakes канала TwinStick Garage
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