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Why They Take You For Granted (& How To Break The Cycle!)

Why They Take You For Granted (& How To Break The Cycle!)
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It sucks being taken for granted. When someone acts like you’re there to serve their needs. Like you’ll stick around no matter how they treat you. Like you’re replaceable and don’t matter. You start to feel a piece of furniture rather than a person. So why are they treating you this way?

I’m going to give you the reasons your partner takes you for granted and what you need to do to make them stop.

Hi, I’m Jessica Boss. And you can take for granted that I’ll be here every week with new tips to help you make your relationship the best it can be. If you want more passion in your life, subscribe now. I’m here to show you the way to the love you want.
But first off, you need to ask yourself: do they know I feel this way?

Sometimes what may seem like taking you for granted is really resentment. This is easy to miss because they aren’t even always aware of it themselves. They’re holding onto deep negative feelings towards us that come from dozens of tiny unresolved conflicts.

This kind of resentment unconsciously puts them into the state of competition with us. They feel like we’ve wounded them and they’re trying to get even by taking more than they’re giving back. They’re trying to get back some power, respect, or love they feel they’ve lost.
2. You’re a doormat

Assertiveness is important in relationships as it is in life. If you put their needs above yours, always let them have their way, and let them walk all over you then this becomes the dynamic in your relationship. It’s a hard pattern to break. It’s not your fault you’re being taken for granted but it is up to you to make the first move if you want them to change. More on that later.
3. They’re over it

Sometimes people mentally check out of a relationship instead of cutting things off. Maybe they’re afraid to be alone. Maybe they’re confused about what they want. Maybe they’re a coward, just waiting for you to break it off. In these situations it’s common for people to stop putting in effort and stop showing appreciation. They don’t show you they value you because they don’t. Don’t let this happen to you.
If your relationship has become so distant that you’re worried there may be no hope left,
go to JessicaBoss.com/quiz. This free quiz tool will take a measure of your relationship and let you know if you can save it or if it’s over. Just answer honestly. It only takes five minutes.

4. They’re busy

Some people’s lives are full of stress, pressure, and constant obligations. They’re always behind the 8 ball, rushing off to run errands or have meetings. And when they do spend time with you they’re too mentally exhausted from the rest of their life to pay you the attention you deserve.. This can be just as damaging to a relationship as other kinds of mistreatment if not moreso.
Change things up

When we’re being taken for granted it’s often a matter of falling into a pattern, a routine. Any change in your life, no matter how small, can interrupt this pattern and change the way you two interact and treat one another. Changing your life can help in ways you don’t expect and that it’s not always by attacking a problem directly that you’ll have the most success.
Spend focused time together

Often times hanging out means staring at our phones while half watching something on Netflix. This can make you feel alone even when you’re together. Plan a date or activity together that will require your full attention. Rent a tandem bicycle. Take a cooking class. Go for a ride in a hot air balloon. It doesn’t matter what you do. It just matters that you make the effort to focus on connecting without distractions. This can be a great way to get your attention back onto what matters: each other.
Spend less time together

In economics, it’s all about supply and demand. If something is in short supply, it’s going to be more valuable and people will want it more. This is a principle you can bring to your relationship.
So there you have it. These are some powerful ways that you can get the attention and respect that you deserve in your relationship.

Видео Why They Take You For Granted (& How To Break The Cycle!) канала Jessica Boss
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31 октября 2018 г. 23:30:12