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Get Your Ex Back By Getting Over Them

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Hi, I’m Jessica Boss, the internet’s favourite breakup bro, relationship ruler, and dating dork. I’m here to answer all your questions about breakups. Let’s get into it. But first, please subscribe to my channel so you can stay up to date on the latest, greatest, datingest tips.

How can getting over your ex help you get them back? The answer is about mindset.

Right now you’re torn apart. You’re stuck between trying to get your ex back and trying to get over them so you’re powerless to do either. This immense emotional pain makes you unable take action and make a meaningful change.

+One: Cut off contact

Stop making excuses. Rip off the bandaid and start rebuilding your life. Unless you cut off contact, you have no hope of ever getting over them OR getting them back.
Do what you have to do. However it ended, be clear with them that it’s over and that you can’t be around them or talk to them for awhile. Don’t put a time frame on it but be firm and stick to it.
Don’t text them. Don’t call them. Don’t interact with them on social media for at least a month.
+Number two, Accept that it’s over
Even if you still intend on trying to get them back, you need accept that this relationship is over for now. Imagine never seeing them again. Accept that that’s a very real possibility but know that you could make it even if that happens. You had a life before them and you can have a life after them.

+Three, Work on yourself
Being in a relationship gives us strength but often this comes at a cost. We lose some of what made us desirable and powerful because we rely on the other person to fill in our gaps. We don’t need to build strong social lives because we have a person who will always be there for us. We let ourselves go in terms of fitness and health because we’re “taken”. We settle for security and contentment and stop striving for our dreams and goals.
+Take a look at your life without them.
I want you to make a list.
What do you love about your life? Family, friends, your job, your hobbies, pets? Whatever it is, write it down. No matter how silly it feels.
Now, read it back and really let it sink in. See? There are plenty of things that give your life value that have nothing to do with your ex. It’s important to recognize and appreciate these things. They will be what give you strength through the tough time ahead.

+Why this works
We talked about cutting off contact, accepting it’s over, and improving yourself.
It’s obvious that these steps will help you get over your breakup but how can they help you get your ex back?
It’s pretty simple. Ruts kill relationships. One or both of you gets bored, tired, restless. You start to wonder what else is out there. You begin to resent them for holding you back.
By letting them go and moving on, you break this cycle.
By cutting off contact and accepting the breakup you show that you’re mature, responsible, and strong.

If you found this advice helpful, please like this video and subscribe to my channel. Before you go, I’m looking for feedback. I have a poll going right now and I’m eager to hear what you think. What’s worse for a relationship? Long distance or not having enough in common? Click the button at the top of the page to answer. I’ve been Jessica Boss, thanks for watching!

Видео Get Your Ex Back By Getting Over Them канала Jessica Boss
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8 августа 2018 г. 22:44:10