#茄子 蒸釀#豬肉🍆🐖無需煎炸🔥👋創新菜式🎯簡單容易👊有體面😊夠睇頭👍細節講解📢人人做到😋🤝好送飯🍚營養豐富又健康💪經濟實際家庭餸♨️茄子🍆🍆含豐富花青素💪血管清道夫💪降三高
茄子皇King Eggplant
⬇️English recipe follows⬇️
1. 豬肉調味:
a. 生粉1湯匙
b. 雞粉1/2量匙
c. 生抽1/2茶匙
d. 糖1茶匙
2. 蒜頭、辣椒仔、芫荽洗淨。
3. 蒜頭、辣椒仔、芫荽切碎。
4. 預備芡汁:
a. 生粉1茶匙
b. 鮑魚汁1茶匙
c. 糖1茶匙
d. 豉油1茶匙
5. 洗淨茄瓜,切去頂部,切4刀,頭3刀不要切斷,第4刀才切斷。
6. 切好茄瓜後,將豬肉釀入中間位置,1件茄瓜有3層豬肉。
1. 用大火蒸茄子
2. 蒸熟茄子後,碟上的水倒入調味料中。
3. 蒜頭、辣椒,用少許油爆一爆。
4. 放芡汁落鑊。
5. 放芫荽在茄子上。
6. 淋上芡汁,即成。
Pork meat in eggplant
Eggplant (Large) 2 logs
Pork meat 1/2 pound
Coriander 1 No.
Garlics 2 Nos.
Red chili 2 Nos.
1. Season the pork:
a. Tapioca 1 tbsp
b. Chicken 1/2
powder measure
c. Light soya 1/2 tsp
d. Sugar 1 tsp
2. Rinse the garlic, chili and coriander.
3. Cut garlic, chili, and coriander into small pieces.
4. Prepare the sauce:
a. Tapioca starch 1 tsp
b. Abalone sauce 1 tsp
c. Sugar 1 tsp
d. Light soya 1 tsp
5. Wash the eggplant, cut the top part, cut 4 times, but do not cut off the eggplant at the first 3 times, should be cut off at the 4th time.
6. Put the pork meat in the middle of the eggplant. One eggplant contains 3 layers of pork meat.
1. Steam 8~10 minutes at high flame.
2. Pour out the sauce out from the plate to the seasonings after the eggplant has been totally cooked.
3. Stir fry the garlic, chili with a little oil at high flame for 2 minutes.
4. Pour the sauce into wok.
5. Put the coriander on top of the eggplant.
6. Put the sauce on top of the eggplant, serve
茄子🍆(系列 )矮瓜
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Видео #茄子 蒸釀#豬肉🍆🐖無需煎炸🔥👋創新菜式🎯簡單容易👊有體面😊夠睇頭👍細節講解📢人人做到😋🤝好送飯🍚營養豐富又健康💪經濟實際家庭餸♨️茄子🍆🍆含豐富花青素💪血管清道夫💪降三高 канала Very Good {{越煮越好}} (越煮越好 very good)
⬇️English recipe follows⬇️
1. 豬肉調味:
a. 生粉1湯匙
b. 雞粉1/2量匙
c. 生抽1/2茶匙
d. 糖1茶匙
2. 蒜頭、辣椒仔、芫荽洗淨。
3. 蒜頭、辣椒仔、芫荽切碎。
4. 預備芡汁:
a. 生粉1茶匙
b. 鮑魚汁1茶匙
c. 糖1茶匙
d. 豉油1茶匙
5. 洗淨茄瓜,切去頂部,切4刀,頭3刀不要切斷,第4刀才切斷。
6. 切好茄瓜後,將豬肉釀入中間位置,1件茄瓜有3層豬肉。
1. 用大火蒸茄子
2. 蒸熟茄子後,碟上的水倒入調味料中。
3. 蒜頭、辣椒,用少許油爆一爆。
4. 放芡汁落鑊。
5. 放芫荽在茄子上。
6. 淋上芡汁,即成。
Pork meat in eggplant
Eggplant (Large) 2 logs
Pork meat 1/2 pound
Coriander 1 No.
Garlics 2 Nos.
Red chili 2 Nos.
1. Season the pork:
a. Tapioca 1 tbsp
b. Chicken 1/2
powder measure
c. Light soya 1/2 tsp
d. Sugar 1 tsp
2. Rinse the garlic, chili and coriander.
3. Cut garlic, chili, and coriander into small pieces.
4. Prepare the sauce:
a. Tapioca starch 1 tsp
b. Abalone sauce 1 tsp
c. Sugar 1 tsp
d. Light soya 1 tsp
5. Wash the eggplant, cut the top part, cut 4 times, but do not cut off the eggplant at the first 3 times, should be cut off at the 4th time.
6. Put the pork meat in the middle of the eggplant. One eggplant contains 3 layers of pork meat.
1. Steam 8~10 minutes at high flame.
2. Pour out the sauce out from the plate to the seasonings after the eggplant has been totally cooked.
3. Stir fry the garlic, chili with a little oil at high flame for 2 minutes.
4. Pour the sauce into wok.
5. Put the coriander on top of the eggplant.
6. Put the sauce on top of the eggplant, serve
茄子🍆(系列 )矮瓜
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Видео #茄子 蒸釀#豬肉🍆🐖無需煎炸🔥👋創新菜式🎯簡單容易👊有體面😊夠睇頭👍細節講解📢人人做到😋🤝好送飯🍚營養豐富又健康💪經濟實際家庭餸♨️茄子🍆🍆含豐富花青素💪血管清道夫💪降三高 канала Very Good {{越煮越好}} (越煮越好 very good)
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