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全麦核桃提子欧包 无糖无油 健康又美味 Walnut and Raisin Bread

硬欧包的烤制温度要求比较高,一定要注意给烤箱充分的时间预热。家庭烤箱一般没有蒸汽功能,我们利用铸铁锅在烘烤前半阶段给面包创造一个蒸汽环境,如果没有铸铁锅可以使用一个大铁盆,罩在面包上,之后再拿掉盆子就好了(建议把烤盘从烤箱里拿出来,关上烤箱门,揭掉盆子,再把烤盘迅速放回去,不要试图在烤箱里把盆子放上去或揭掉,空间不够用,不要问我怎么知道的!)。如果烤箱小到没有空间放下铁盆,可以在下层放个烤盘预热,面包入炉时往烤盘里倒入热水(注意安全,不要倒到玻璃门上), 1分钟后再往里面喷一些水汽创造蒸汽,但是这种方法容易导致烤箱温度骤降。

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全麦种制作Whole Wheat Soaker:(0:11)
水合面团Autolysed Dough:(0:40)
主面团制作Bread Dough:(1:20)
预整形和松弛Pre-Shaping & Bench Rest:(4:15)
预热烤箱Preheating the oven:(4:36)
整形和最后发酵Shaping and proofing:(4:44)
出炉晾凉Cooling Down(6:37)
成品Final Product(6:55)
全麦面粉 100g
水,常温 100g
即发干酵母 1g(1/4小勺,小分量粉类建议用量勺)
水合面团(放冰箱前一定要密封严实, 否则容易氧化黑掉):
高筋面粉 220g(不要使用中筋)
水 145g
盐 4g
酵母 1g(1/4小勺),室温如果太炎热超过30°C,担心面团发太快可减少或不放
葡萄干 40g
朗姆酒或水 20g
熟核桃仁 30g(生核桃仁参考视频中给出的方法)


In this video, we are going to make a whole wheat bread with walnuts and raisins. It is a French style bread with crispy and chewy crust and soft and open crumb. You will enjoy the flavor and texture combination of walnuts, raisins and the whole wheat bread as much as I do. Trust me, I finished half of it by myself when it was right out of the oven!(of course, after the cool down process during which you have to hold yourself).
The bread requires relatively higher temperature to bake. You need to give the oven enough time to preheat so that it reaches the desired temperature. For home ovens, we can use a dutch oven to create steam for the bread during the first half time of baking. If you don’t have a dutch oven, get a large stainless steel bowl. Cover the preheated bowl over your loaf that has been place on a baking sheet and send it to the oven. When it is time to take the bowl off, take your entire baking sheet out and carefully lift the bowl off. DO NOT try to get the bowl off in the oven. There won’t be enough space to do that and you may burn yourself!
The best time to enjoy the loaf is within 6 hours after it is baked. If you cannot finish it, you may cut it into sliced and freeze them in an airtight bag. Take a couple slices out and let them thaw at room temperature before enjoying.

【Ingredient List】Makes 1 loaf
Whole Wheat pre-ferment:
Whole Wheat Flour 100g
Water, room temp 100g
Instant Yeast 1g(1/4 Tsp)

Autolysed Dough:
Bread Flour 220g
Water 145g

Bread Dough:
Whole wheat pre-ferment
Autolysed dough
Salt 4g(3/4 Tsp)
Instant Yeast 1g(1/4 Tsp), you may omit or reduce the yeast if your room temp is higher than 30°C/86°F.
Raisins 40g
Rum or water 20g(1.5 Tbsp)
Roasted Chopped Walnuts(30g)

Preheat: 250°C/475°F for at least 30 minutes, may be longer for larger ovens, make sure it reaches the desired temperature before baking. If your oven cannot go as high as 475°F, set it at the highest temperature and baking longer accordingly.
Bake: 225°C/440°C, bake for 15 minutes with the lid or stainless steel bowl on, then bake without the lid or bowl for another 15 minutes.
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#硬欧包 #全麦欧包 #Bread
全麦核桃提子欧包 无糖无油 健康又美味 Walnut and Raisin Bread

Видео 全麦核桃提子欧包 无糖无油 健康又美味 Walnut and Raisin Bread канала 1小点的 Sweet Taste Kitchen
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6 августа 2020 г. 16:00:01
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