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Fastest Mochi pounding Maker in Japan 超高速餅つき「中谷堂」(NHC0012)

In Nara, Japan, lies Nakatanidou, a mochi shop that is usually jam packed with tourists. They fill the shop in order to find delicious mochi snacks of course, but they also go to see the mochi making process as well. The mochi pounders match each others’ breathing perfectly while they smash away, and in the second half of the process they strike the mochi two times a second. They strike it at a fast rate while it is still warm to create the soft and sticky texture that mochi is known for. This method of mochi making was passed down to Nakatanidou’s president, Mitsuo Nakatani, from his home town of Kamikitayama-mura, in Nara Prefecture. Nara Park, which is famous for deer that roam freely throughout it, is nearby along with many other tourist spots. If you ever find yourself in Nara, why don’t you try taking a stop at Nakatanidou to see their super fast mochi pounding technique?

奈良県奈良市。ここにある餅屋「中谷堂」の前にはいつも観光客の人だかりができている。その目的は美味しいお餅は勿論、その餅のつき方にある。職人たちが阿吽の呼吸で餅をついていき、後半は1秒に2回という超高速で一気に仕上げていく。実はこのつき方、社長の中谷充男さんの故郷、奈良県上北山村に伝わるもので、お餅が冷めないうちに一気につき、もちもちのお餅を提供するという理にかなったつき方なのだ 。


Produced by 28Lab / E.x.N K.K.
(c)28Lab 2016 all rights reserved.

Shot by Kei Oumawatari (28Lab).
English translation (Caption & Subtitles) by Devin Vecchio & Kazutaka Watanabe (E.x.N K.K.).
English (Caption & Subtitles) checked by Devin Recchio.

Camera / SONY NEX-VG30
Lens / SELP18105G, SEL16F28


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Видео Fastest Mochi pounding Maker in Japan 超高速餅つき「中谷堂」(NHC0012) канала 28Lab
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30 марта 2020 г. 7:15:12