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Technique to Clear all Karmas

In today's morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda defines karma as anything which is left inside us incomplete, asking us for attention, for completion, and forcing us to go through that again and again. Paramahamsa Nithyananda details how karma is nothing but incomplete patterns brought from previous births as well as new patterns accumulated from this birth. Once we complete the root patterns accumulated in this birth, the past life patterns will automatically get released through completion. Once we get out of root patterns, we will be out of all karmas.

I welcome you all with my love and respects.

Today I will expand on a very important subject: "KARMA AND COMPLETION".

Listen! Please come to the space of listening!

Anything which you left inside you incomplete, which is asking for your attention for completion, forcing through that again and again, is "Karma".

Listen! Anything which is left in you incomplete and expecting your attention or action to go through it again and again for its completion, is "Karma".

Listen! For example, anything you left incomplete, whether your food or a cup of tea or alcohol or an action, anything which you left incomplete will naturally draw your attention to complete it.

I will give you this one example:

Somebody goes to a Zen master saying, 'I am addicted to smoking, Master. Help me to come out of it.'

Master says, 'Take this cigarette pack.'

He was having it. Zen masters have all sorts of things!

He gave a pack of cigarettes and told that guy, 'Smoke these cigarettes completely. Means, when you pick them up, be aware, feel the touch. When you put them in your mouth, feel the touch in the lips. Don't put your attention on something else. Attend to this cigarette as if this the last cigarette you are going to smoke; after it you are going to die! Attend to it with that depth.'

After two days, the smoker who is supposed to be a smoker, came to the Master and said, 'Master, now I am not able to put the cigarette in my mouth. Not that I dropped the cigarette, the cigarette dropped me!'

Understand, anything when you do complete, the cigarette disappears! I am not saying go and do whatever you want completely! All I am trying to tell you is, anything you do completely, it drops you!

Krishnamurthy says beautifully, 'Anything you go through completely, leaves you complete.'

All you need to do in your life, anything you do, do out of completion, do it completely, so that, that leaves you in completion!

Listen! The incompletions you create in this life is Prarabdha Karma. And the root-pattern which goes on creating incompletions is Agamya Karma. Bio-memory which supports multiple root-patterns is Sanchita Karma.

Understand, Agamya Karma means, accumulated karmas. Prarabdha Karma means, brought karmas. Sanchita Karma means, gathered from the beginning of Time through all the births.

The incompletions you accumulate every day is Prarabdha Karma. Root-pattern which goes on creating incompletions is Agamya Karma. Bio-memory which supports these root-patterns is Sanchita Karma.

Listen! Dhyaan se suniye! Listen!

Prarabdha, Agamya, Sanchita! Each day if you complete without any incompletions, you will be left with no Prarabdha Karma. Person who is complete with the Prarabdha Karma, even though you are complete with the Prarabdha Karma, because the root is there, the pattern is there which can go on creating incompletions, the Agamya is there.

Listen! Dhyaan se suniye!

If you understand these three levels of Karma, you will have lot of clarity about life, how the completion is such a powerful process to get out of incompletions, get out of karmas. All karmas are nothing but incompletions.

People come and tell me, 'I have Naga Dosha, Chevva Dosha, this dosha, that dosha.'

Naga Dosha is nothing but incompletions about snake, fear of snakes! All doshas are nothing but the incompletions you carry. If you find the root-pattern from where the snake fear started in you and complete that root-pattern, you will be free from Naga Dosha. All doshas, all doshas are nothing but our incompletions.

Sometimes people will ask me, 'Can I have doshas based on my past life incompletions also? Yes you can have.

How can I complete past life incompletions?'

When you find all the root-patterns of this life and complete, you will see the past life patterns are getting released through your system, getting expressed through your system. When you complete this life's root-patterns, automatically past life root-patterns will start getting expressed. When they are expressing, listen, when they are expressing, look into those past life patterns, find their root and complete. You will be relieved from the doshas, the karmas based on the past life incompletions also. No, I tell you, I can tell you very clearly...completion of past life karmas is not something too big. It is not that difficult. It is very easy actually. Jus tneeds little maturity.

Видео Technique to Clear all Karmas канала KAILASA's SPH Nithyananda
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19 июня 2013 г. 11:05:22