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一對90後情侶,再現漢唐失傳工藝:活出自己的步調 Working 12 hours a day Just to bring back traditional craftsmanship


A millennial couple came to Sanbao Village, Jingdezhen in 2019 to do lacquer art. They usually work 12 hours a day, rarely rest throughout the year. An art work often takes a year or several years to make, and the life span of it is usually hundreds of years. The lacquerware artists said, "To have something like a living fossil appear in front of public eyes again, this is the life I want."

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Видео 一對90後情侶,再現漢唐失傳工藝:活出自己的步調 Working 12 hours a day Just to bring back traditional craftsmanship канала 一条Yit
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19 октября 2022 г. 17:00:10
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