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#29 Dark Souls-Style Level Up Menu | RPG Framework in Unreal Engine 5

Want to implement a Dark Souls 3-style Level Up Menu in your RPG? In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a fully interactive system that allows players to invest experience points into attributes like Vigor, Strength, and Endurance—shaping their character progression to fit their playstyle.

This Level Up Menu will be intuitive, flexible, and fully integrated with the Gameplay Ability System and Souls Character Component we created in previous tutorial, ensuring smooth stat updates and balancing. Whether you’re working on an action RPG, a soulslike game, or an open-world experience, this system will provide deep character customization for your players.

GAS Functions and Level Up Menu Widgets: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dark-souls-style-124485637?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link


📍 Roadmap https://github.com/orgs/infinityedgegames/projects/1/views/4

00:00 - Intro
00:40 - Import Assets
03:22 - Toggle Level Up Menu
06:42 - Firekeeper
10:00 - Level Up Menu
26:00 - Preview Attribute Change
46:12 - Outro

#unrealengine5 #soulslike #gamedevtutorial #rpgframework #ue5

Видео #29 Dark Souls-Style Level Up Menu | RPG Framework in Unreal Engine 5 канала Infinity Edge Games
ue5, ue5 gas, Unreal Engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine 5 melee combat, unreal engine 5, Ability system tutorial, unreal engine, unreal engine 5 gameplay ability system, game development, Melee attack tutorial, Unreal Engine tutorial, RPG framework tutorial, Game design, ue5 melee combat, Framework, Tutorial, RPG, Unreal Engine 5 demo, Video game, gas, gameplay ability system, axe, motion matching, Inventory, soulslike
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