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On the Big Bang, James Webb, aliens: conversation with astrophysicist Paul Sutter

I'm very pleased to have had the opportunity to talk with cosmologist Paul Sutter, whose books and podcast I've thoroughly enjoyed, and whose work has been an amazing source of knowledge and insight for me.
Paul M. Sutter is a cosmologist, award-winning science communicator, NASA advisor, U.S. Cultural Ambassador, and a globally recognized leader in the intersection of art and science. He is currently an associate research scientist at Johns Hopkins University.
In addition to writing three critically acclaimed books exploring everything from our place in the universe to the ways modern science can improve its relationship with the public, Paul’s commentary and analysis also appears in The New York Times, Scientific American, Ars Technica, Nautilus, Undark, Popular Mechanics, and more.
Paul hosts a variety of science shows on TV and digital media, including How the Universe Works on Science Channel, Space Out on Discovery, and Edge of Knowledge on Ars Technica, as well as numerous appearances on other shows. He also writes and hosts his hit Ask a Spaceman podcast, which has been downloaded over 7 million times.
You can check out his website by following this link https://www.pmsutter.com/

Видео On the Big Bang, James Webb, aliens: conversation with astrophysicist Paul Sutter канала Conversations with Vania
universe, conversations, scientists, podcast, interview, dialogue, talk, ideas, perspectives
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