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PERSONALITY CRISIS - "I'm Awake In Fields" [live, 1984]

Drunk as all hell and waking up in a field somewhere? Doesn't sound too pleasant to me, but this unreleased Personality Crisis tune (written in early '84) sure does - possibly based on a true story? Walters' book suggests the title is "Awakened In Fields", while Mitch calls it by the above name in June of 1984 and removes the "I'm" when introducing it in August of the same year (representing the only known recordings). IF YOU HAVE ANY UNRELEASED OR RARE P.C.-RELATED FOOTAGE OR MEDIA - AUDIO, VIDEO, PHOTOS, ARTICLES, ETC. - PLEASE CONTACT ME!

Видео PERSONALITY CRISIS - "I'm Awake In Fields" [live, 1984] канала CutsFromTheVault
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14 августа 2013 г. 0:35:27