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Zašto je novi kineski sistem PVO Type 625E za odbranu FK-3 Vojske Srbije? - Chinese SHORAD Type 625E

#vojskasrbije #type625e #CsSa5 #norinco #fn6 #hk10 #alit #serbianarmy #csgc #fb10 #raketa #missile #pvo #airdefense #pantsirs1 #pla #plaaf #china #kina #srbija #serbia #hq22 #fk3 #chinesearmy #xijinping
I present the latest Chinese hybrid anti-aircraft defense system that could protect the batteries of the FK-3 air defense system in Serbia. Although specific details about the tactical and technical characteristics of the new Chinese air defense system Type 625E are scarce, it is known that the corporations that developed it are the largest in China "China South Industries Group Corporation" (CSGC) and "Norinco". The Type 625E combat vehicle is also equipped with four FB-10A anti-aircraft missiles in four containers mounted on either side of the turret.
The exact characteristics and type of missile used on this system is still unknown, but the general configuration suggests that they are FB-10 short-range IC guided missiles.
Constructed by China Aerospace Long-March International (ALIT), the FB-10 missile was developed back in 2014 and appears to have entered service with China's People's Liberation Army
Predstavljam najnoviji kineski hibridni sistem protvivazduhoplovne odbrane koji bi mogao da štiti baterije FK-3 sistema PVO u Srbiji. Iako su konkretni detalji o taktičko-tehničkim karakteristikama novog kineskog sistema trupne PVO Type 625E šturi, poznato je da su korporacija koje su ga razvile najveće u Kini “China South Industries Group Corporation” (CSGC) i “Norinco”. Borbeno vozilo sistema Type 625E je takođe opremljeno sa četiri protivazduhoplovne FB-10A rakete u po četiri kontejnera postavljenim sa obe strane kupole. Tačne karakteristike i tip projektila koji se koristi na ovom sistemu je još uvek nepoznat, ali opšta konfiguracija sugeriše da su to IC vođene rakete kratkog dometa FB-10. Konstruisane od strane kompanije China Aerospace Long-March International (ALIT), raketa FB-10 je razvijena još 2014. godine i čini se da je ušla u naoružanje u Narodnooslobodilačke vojske Kine.
Video credit: https://www.csgc.com.cn; http://en.norincogroup.com.cn
Audio credit: https://www.youtube.com › audiolibrary

Видео Zašto je novi kineski sistem PVO Type 625E za odbranu FK-3 Vojske Srbije? - Chinese SHORAD Type 625E канала Silja Pluton
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