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MRAP M-20 u punoj borbenoj opremi! MRAP M20 with full combat equipment!

#Mrap #m20 #zastavatervo #fap #oklop #vojskasrbije #armor #mrav #lazar3 #milos #bov #apc #ifv #Serbianarmy #armament #weapons #naoruzanje #oruzje #vojska #armija #military #army #kov
According to the official data of the FAP factory, in 2022, the zero series with 10 MRAP M-20 vehicles was handed over to the Serbian Army, for the purpose of testing these vehicles in the troop, which were shown in the final serial version at the military display "Granit 2023" in Batajnica in April of this year .
Then ten of these armored fighting vehicles were shown, which contained the following military equipment in the form of additional equipment on the vehicle itself, which soldiers transported in the MRAP M-20 will use in combat operations.
Then it could be noticed that in addition to the hand tool that was mounted on the right side of the vehicle, an automatic grenade launcher was also mounted on the roof of the vehicle, and at the back of the vehicle, two containers for the combat kit for the mortar were placed on the sides next to the door of the landing part of the MRAP M-20 as well as the 9K111 "Fagot" anti-armor guided missile launcher that can be transported together with a squad of soldiers in the vehicle.
Otherwise, those sections hung at the back of the vehicle are also used for lateral protection of the infantry section from enemy fire when entering and exiting the vehicle's landing area.
The equipment of this combat-armored vehicle was also shown at the last fair of weapons and military equipment "Partner 2023" together with combat equipment that could not be seen until then
Prema zvaničnim podacima fabrike FAP, 2022. godine Vojsci Srbije je bila predata nulta serija sa 10 vozila MRAP M-20, radi testiranja ovih vozila u trupi, koja su u finalnoj serijskoj verziji prikazana na vojnom prikazu “Granit 2023” u Batajnici Aprila ove godine.
Tada je bilo prikazano deset ovih borbeno-oklopnih vozila koje su sadržale sledeću vojnu opremu u vidu dodatne opreme na samo vozilo, a koje će vojnici koji se transportuju u MRAP M-20 koristiti u borbenim dejstvima.
Tada se moglo primetiti da pored ručnog alata koji je bio montiran na desnom boku vozila, bio montiran i automatski bacač granata montiran na krov vozila, a pozadi vozila su postavljena dva kontejnera za borbeni komplet za minobacač na bokovima pored vrata iskrcnog dela MRAP M-20 kao i lanser protiv-oklopnih vođenih raketa 9K111 “Fagot” koji se može transportovati zajedno sa odeljenjem vojnika u vozilu.
Inače ti odeljci okačeni pozadi vozila služe i za bočnu zaštitu pešadijskog odeljenja od neprijateljske vatre prilikom ulaska i izlaska iz iskrcnog dela vozila.
Oprema ovog borbeno-oklopnog vozila je prikazana i na poslednjem sajmu naoružanja i vojne opreme “Partner 2023” zajedno sa borbenom opremom koja se do tada nije mogla zapaziti.

Видео MRAP M-20 u punoj borbenoj opremi! MRAP M20 with full combat equipment! канала Silja Pluton
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