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How New Hampshire engaged thousands of students with STEM | A CoderZ STEM Webinar

In the fall of 2017 over 2,500 students New Hampshire students participated in the first-ever Cyber Robotics Coding Competition.

This is a recording of a live interview with David Benedetto, NH DOE STEM Coordinator hosted by Josh Schuler, Director of the Intelitek STEM and CTE Education Foundation.

David describes how and why they decided to introduce CRCC to New Hampshire and what educational goals it accomplished.

The audience was able to ask David questions directly on topics such as STEM education, the role of robotics, etc…

We discussed
-Challenges of implementing an inclusive STEM curriculum nowadays
-Best practices for implementing a STEM curriculum that is relevant to all students
-Engaging teachers and students with STEM, and with with Cyber Robotics
-The CRCC experience and how to take this competition to any place in the entire world

This recorded webinar is for State DOEs, District Administrators, Principals, Teachers and anyone interested in engaging students with STEM education.

May the code be with you!

Visit us at https://gocoderz.com

Видео How New Hampshire engaged thousands of students with STEM | A CoderZ STEM Webinar канала CoderZ
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2 апреля 2018 г. 18:18:19