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Georgia Perakis: A revolutionary model to optimize promotion pricing

Georgia Perakis, Professor of Operations Research and Operations Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management, says that most product managers use gut feeling and habit to decide how often and how deep to discount products. But Perakis says there is a better way: using data. Many people with years of experience in their industries are good at running promotions, but their brains are not supercomputers able to process the massive amounts of data they have at their fingertips. Perakis explains how her research showed it’s possible to achieve improvements of 3 to 10% using more data-driven approaches.

MIT Sloan Experts Blog: http://mitsln.co/6PF2307EGJF
Georgia Perakis Biography: http://mitsln.co/BezJ307EGM6

Видео Georgia Perakis: A revolutionary model to optimize promotion pricing канала MIT Sloan School of Management
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4 января 2017 г. 2:31:03