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International Shuaijiao Competitions Beijing China 1 - 20 matches

Shuaijiao tournament where we participated in Beijing. Now we offer to see the first 20 fights. Then we will release a video with other fights. See also our other shuajiao video playlists from other competitions in China. 北京雄风营 双雄争跤大会

This video was shot during a trip to China, Beijing, by the delegation of the Association of Chinese Traditions and Culture, headed by Master Mu Yuchun to participate in various seminars on wushu, on shuaijiao and organizing cultural exchanges.

Matches 1 - 20 https://youtu.be/lODo8DICN3A
Matches 21 - 40 https://youtu.be/3emG0o3047k
Matches 41 - 60 https://youtu.be/sndRYRiik4I
Matches 61 - 80 https://youtu.be/yNU5Xy_ZXp8

0:15 Match 1
1:50 Match 2
2:38 Match 3
3:52 Match 4
4:24 Match 5
6:12 Match 6
8:50 Match 7
9:39 Match 8
10:13 Match 9
11:52 Match 10
13:42 Match 11
15:55 Match 12
17:00 Match 13
19:44 Match 14
20:23 Match 15
21:12 Match 16
23:24 Match 17
24:12 Match 18
25:40 Match 19
27:05 Match 20

Chinese Wrestling Association.
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International Shuaijiao Competitions Beijing China

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