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30 мая 2022 г. 1:02:43
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院子的枇杷熟了, 像金蛋似的悬挂在枝头美丽可人,用枇杷做成的点心清香可口。The loquats in my yard are ripe, they are pretty and delicious.院子的枇杷熟了, 像金蛋似的悬挂在枝头美丽可人,用枇杷做成的点心清香可口。The loquats in my yard are ripe, they are pretty and delicious.【苦瓜餐 】 炎炎夏日,收获清凉,一席苦瓜,唇齿留甘……   A bitter gourd meal in the summer...【苦瓜餐 】 炎炎夏日,收获清凉,一席苦瓜,唇齿留甘…… A bitter gourd meal in the summer...乘坐大邮轮去南极,体验旷世之美,享受邮轮生活..Take a large cruise ship to Antarctica, experience the unparalleled beauty.乘坐大邮轮去南极,体验旷世之美,享受邮轮生活..Take a large cruise ship to Antarctica, experience the unparalleled beauty.【2022-除夕】 Chinese New Year's Eve                欢快的音乐,喜庆的中国结,美味的家乡菜 ,伴随我们辞旧迎新,走进新的一年。 祝大家:虎年吉祥,新年快乐!【2022-除夕】 Chinese New Year's Eve 欢快的音乐,喜庆的中国结,美味的家乡菜 ,伴随我们辞旧迎新,走进新的一年。 祝大家:虎年吉祥,新年快乐!【米纸卷伴粥】     焖出鲜甜,卷出清香,一顿惬意的午餐。A pleasant lunch【米纸卷伴粥】 焖出鲜甜,卷出清香,一顿惬意的午餐。A pleasant lunch《蒸包子》  添几把自家的疏菜,包子变得如此靓丽可口。Add a few my garden vegetables, the buns become so beautiful & delicious.《蒸包子》 添几把自家的疏菜,包子变得如此靓丽可口。Add a few my garden vegetables, the buns become so beautiful & delicious.冬瓜熟了,雕瓜留影,一席佳肴,美味三餐 ...... Harvest White Gourd, carved with melon, enjoy the delicious food at home.冬瓜熟了,雕瓜留影,一席佳肴,美味三餐 ...... Harvest White Gourd, carved with melon, enjoy the delicious food at home.我家门前的李子树,每年春天繁花似锦,夏日果实累累,如今,又到了收获的季节 ......Now, it’s the harvest season for my plums ......我家门前的李子树,每年春天繁花似锦,夏日果实累累,如今,又到了收获的季节 ......Now, it’s the harvest season for my plums ......今年的茄子长势喜人,采收,绘画,做上几道心怡的小菜,非常开心!In eggplant season, harvesting, painting, and cooking... happy!今年的茄子长势喜人,采收,绘画,做上几道心怡的小菜,非常开心!In eggplant season, harvesting, painting, and cooking... happy!【炸芋糍】一道粤北老家的小吃,咸香金脆,家乡的味道 ,  Fried Taro Cake , salty, fragrant and crispy, the taste of my hometown【炸芋糍】一道粤北老家的小吃,咸香金脆,家乡的味道 , Fried Taro Cake , salty, fragrant and crispy, the taste of my hometown【佛手瓜餐】 香从小园来,八菜一汤,美味今宵... Harvest chayote, make eight dishes and one soup, enjoy a delicious dinner.【佛手瓜餐】 香从小园来,八菜一汤,美味今宵... Harvest chayote, make eight dishes and one soup, enjoy a delicious dinner.【蒸肠粉】    肠粉在家做,轻松随意乐其中。Making rice rolls at home, easy and fun.【蒸肠粉】 肠粉在家做,轻松随意乐其中。Making rice rolls at home, easy and fun.