Meet the Mamas of Mama Made Minis and Say "Hi!"
hi! we’re Aly + Lindsay
the S I S T E R duo behind MMM
⋒ we are Mamas to 7 kiddos between us
⋒ our favorite hook is a 7 mm
⋒ we love super bulky
+ jumbo weight yarns
[but are always down to
try a new yarn at any weight.]
⋒ Aly’s favorite color is AQUA,
Lindsay’s is PEACH
⋒ Aly’s drink of choice is a Topo Chico,
Lindsay’s is an iced coffee
with cream + almond syrup
[don’t forget the soft top!]
is there anything else you
want to know about us?
Ask us below!!
N O W, tell us more about YOU!!
#crochetfriends #makerfriends #crochetbesties
Видео Meet the Mamas of Mama Made Minis and Say "Hi!" канала Mama Made Minis
the S I S T E R duo behind MMM
⋒ we are Mamas to 7 kiddos between us
⋒ our favorite hook is a 7 mm
⋒ we love super bulky
+ jumbo weight yarns
[but are always down to
try a new yarn at any weight.]
⋒ Aly’s favorite color is AQUA,
Lindsay’s is PEACH
⋒ Aly’s drink of choice is a Topo Chico,
Lindsay’s is an iced coffee
with cream + almond syrup
[don’t forget the soft top!]
is there anything else you
want to know about us?
Ask us below!!
N O W, tell us more about YOU!!
#crochetfriends #makerfriends #crochetbesties
Видео Meet the Mamas of Mama Made Minis and Say "Hi!" канала Mama Made Minis
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2 апреля 2024 г. 3:49:48
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