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Crochet for Mental Health

we are major advocates
for acknowledging +
managing mental health
+ the vital role it plays in daily life.

MMM was started
during a time in my life
that I was searching for
relief from PPA + looking
for a way to rediscover
myself outside motherhood.

the therapy I found in crochet
+ in making is irreplaceable —

m e n t a l H E A L T H
B E N E F I T S of c r o c h e t :

⋒ S T R E S S r e d u c t i o n :
crocheting can promote relaxation
+ reduce stress levels.

⋒ M I N D F U L N E S S :
engaging in the rhythmic
movements of crocheting
can foster mindfulness,
bringing focus to the present moment.

⋒ M O O D e l e v a t i o n :
the act of creating something beautiful
can elevate mood + contribute
to a sense of accomplishment.

⋒ D I S T R A C T I O N from
n e g a t i v e thoughts :
crocheting provides a
constructive + absorbing activity,
diverting attention from
negative thoughts.

⋒ E N H A N C E D c o n c e n t r a t i o n :
following patterns + counting stitches can improve concentration + cognitive focus.

⋒ S E N S E of p u r p o s e :
having a creative outlet
like crocheting gives a sense
of purpose + fulfillment.

⋒ S O C I A L c o n n e c t i o n :
joining crochet groups or
sharing your creations online
can foster a sense of community
+ social connection.
[some of the B E S T people we know,
we’ve met through this space 🥹]

⋒ R E D U C E D a n x i e t y :
the repetitive nature of
crochet can be soothing,
helping to alleviate anxiety.

⋒ I M P R O V E D s l e e p :
engaging in a calming activity
like crocheting before bed may
contribute to better sleep quality.
[or staying up until 3am for ‘one more round’
🙃 either way we are happier.]

⋒ E X P R E S S I O N of e m o t i o n s :
crocheting allows for self-expression,
providing a healthy outlet for emotions.

most i m p o r t a n t l y
👏🏼 C R O C H E T 👏🏼 is 👏🏼 F U N 👏🏼

H O W does crochet help you
to cope with your m e n t a l health?

Видео Crochet for Mental Health канала Mama Made Minis
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