How to Create a Presentation on Canva in 20 Minutes
I've made the switch! Presentations on Canva are SUPER EASY and convenient to put together. In this Canva tutorial video, I'll show you how to put a great looking presentation together, fast.
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Видео How to Create a Presentation on Canva in 20 Minutes канала Pat Flynn
Try Canva for free at
Listen to my podcasts here:
🎤 The Smart Passive Income Podcast:
🎤 AskPat (these are real life business coaching calls):
Also, have you thought about starting your own podcast? Check out the #1 podcasting tutorial on YouTube here:
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Also, follow me at these places below and say hi!
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If you'd like to send me any snail mail, send it here:
10531 4S Commons Dr.
Suite 524
San Diego, CA 92127
Видео How to Create a Presentation on Canva in 20 Minutes канала Pat Flynn
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