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Affiliate Marketing Workshop with Pat Flynn (LIVE)

You're about to watch a 1-hour affiliate marketing workshop to show you how to master affiliate marketing! I'll be covering:

👉 How to choose the right products to promote. Get this wrong, and it's all over.
👉 Specific marketing strategies you can literally take and apply to the products you promote.
👉 The biggest mistakes affiliate marketers make so you can avoid failure.
👉 And a whole lot more, including some time for Q&A at the end.

Be sure to stick around because I have a free gift for you if you do, and I also have a HUGE announcement as well.

If you've like to invest in our online course about affiliate marketing, please check out 123 Affiliate Marketing below:

🎯 http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/123am

More on this opportunity will be shared in the workshop, but whether you take advantage of that or not, you're going to take home some amazing value today.

Видео Affiliate Marketing Workshop with Pat Flynn (LIVE) канала Pat Flynn
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23 октября 2023 г. 23:28:33