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Episode 8-Amanda Frith . Two feet eight paws

Today with us Amanda Frith her  inspiration for this trip was a very random one, after swaing sone photos on Instagram of a lady from Australia had taken and loved them. She wondered where in the world it was as she had never heard of the Camino de Santiago and couldn't believe it was Northern Spain.She just knew at that point that she had to go one day, the next step was two years later when  turned that one day in to she was going in September to do the Camino. This was a very big marker point, then telling friends and family that you are planning to actually go, something very real about it all creeps in, but it's a good feeling.

She walked the Camino in a very different way. Listen the podcast if you want to know more about walking to Santiago with two dogs and a van!

Видео Episode 8-Amanda Frith . Two feet eight paws канала El Camino People
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21 апреля 2020 г. 3:00:12