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杭州夫妻山居15年:不裝空調,冬暖夏涼 Hangzhou couple living in the mountain for 15 years


Designer Lv Xiaohui grew up in the countryside of Lishui, Zhejiang Province, and later settled in Hangzhou for work and life. In 2005, when their child was 2 years old, he and his family decided to leave the city and move to the Mogan Mountain. It's been nearly 15 years now. He rented a century-old elementary school's reading room, converted it into a studio, and completed the construction with a large amount of recycled local materials. The house is warm in winter and cool in summer though without air-conditioning. He then bought a second-hand house, designed a circulating water landscape in the residence of their family of four, and used "blackened" walls to enhance heat conservation…
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Видео 杭州夫妻山居15年:不裝空調,冬暖夏涼 Hangzhou couple living in the mountain for 15 years канала 一条Yit
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18 ноября 2022 г. 17:00:11
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