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The Boys | How to become someone new

Have you ever wanted to be someone different? Or at least a better version of yourself?

Whether you wanted to be more athletic, popular, smarter or achieve mastery at some skill, everyone at some point or another has wanted more from life.

It's a story as old as time itself, Someone weak and powerless becomes someone strong and dependable through incredible effort. What if I told you there were actionable steps to becoming something more and depending on the effort you put into it even becoming a totally new person.

Today we are going to be discussing 4 steps to changing your life and showing you how Hughie Campbell did it from the amazon original, the boys.

Before we begin there will obviously be season 1 and 2 spoilers of this series so you may want to click away if you haven't seen the boys already. Now be sure to hit that like and subscribe button if you want to see more content involving money power and status. Let’s begin.

00:57 Change your thinking - The first step to recreating yourself is to understand you have to change.

Change can be scary and most people resist it, but as the old saying goes, if you keep doing what you’ve done you’ll keep getting what you’ve got.

You need to have some sort of awakening to the fact that your current self isn’t enough to achieve your goals.

We see this change in thinking start to take root in Hughie very early on in season 1 when A- train murders Robin by running through her. This immediately creates a hatred in Hughie which is further cemented in his mind when he realizes A train has no remorse.

The injustice of the whole situation causes Hughie to feel even more frustrated when he realizes that not only can he do nothing physically against the seven but legally as well.

02:29 Change your peers - You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with. If 5 of your friends are losers you are the 6th loser, if 5 of your friends are successful, odds are you are as well.

It’s impossible to be around people and not start to emulate some of their values and habits. For most people, their friends are stagnating individuals who provide little to no value or even sap value.

Everyone has had a friend at one point or another who is this person but we were too nice to say or do anything about it.

If you take control of your life this concept can be used to improve dramatically. If you wish to be good at something you should surround yourself with people who excel at that activity.

If you wish to make more money or be more confident fill your life with people who you can emulate.

We see this in the boys when Hughie meets Butcher. Butcher is the textbook alpha male. He is brash, rude, arrogant, and very confident. He is also highly ambitious and a leader. He is the complete opposite of Hughie in every way and exactly what Hughie needs to achieve the goal of putting a dent in the seven.

He later meets Frenchie and MM who are very similar to Butcher in terms of self-reliance. They all slowly shape Hughie into the man he needed to become.

There will be times when you feel resistance or that you feel you don’t fit in. This is natural as the brain is highly plastic and takes time for change to kick in. Stay the course and realize you can be whoever you want to be.

03:58 Push past your comfort zone - Now that you’ve changed your thinking and got new friends who you strive to be like there will be times when you are not comfortable with a situation.

This is once again normal and is your old life trying to hold you back. Hughie is continuously having to move past his comfort zone and while most people won’t have to move as fast as he did in the ways he did it is an essential step to improving yourself.

From planting the bug in Vought to blowing up translucent Hughie had to make a lot of tough choices that he was not comfortable with.

04:50 Destroy your old self-image and forge your own path - The final step in recreating yourself is to accept the new you and live that life.

By this point, you probably won’t even have noticed you aren’t the same because everything has changed around you. Your thinking, your friends, and your daily activities have changed to mirror the life you envisioned.

The act of recreating yourself isn’t some grand event it happens gradually and before you know it you are that person.

We finally see Hughie become this new person at the end of season 1 when he forges his own path and goes against butcher to rescue MM and Frenchie.

This is a far cry from the Hughie we see at the beginning of the series who couldn’t even ask his boss for a raise. Once you have become who you want to become you must no longer mirror those around you and you must be your own leader.

Changing your life and becoming someone new can be a daunting task. The key is to remove negative influences that pull you back into the old you and add positive influences that push you into the new you.

Видео The Boys | How to become someone new канала Money Power Status
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8 апреля 2021 г. 9:55:44