Trade Minister Destroys Illegal Commodities from Six Importers
Menteri Perdagangan Indonesia, Zulkifli Hasan, menghancurkan lebih dari 13 miliar Rupiah barang-barang ilegal yang diimpor Jumat (9/6) siang. Barang-barang yang dihancurkan termasuk makanan dan minuman, obat tradisional, suplemen kesehatan, produk hutan, dan piring tembaga, semuanya berasal dari Thailand, Tiongkok, dan India.
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Indonesian Trade Minister, Zulkifli Hasan, destroyed more than 13 billion Rupiahs of illegally imported commodities on Friday (6/9) afternoon. The destroyed items include food and beverages, traditional medicines, health supplements, forestry products, and cooper plates, all originated from Thailand, China and India.
To watch the full video, please visit the SEA Today News Youtube channel or click the link in bio. You can also watch and access SEA Today through your favorite application, website or various platforms such as IndiHome TV CH. 101 HD, MAX Stream, MOLA, My Republic, Vidio, MNC Vision, MNC Play, and FIRST Media.
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Untuk video selengkapnya, silakan kunjungi kanal Youtube SEA Today News atau klik tautan di bio. Kamu juga bisa menonton dan mengakses SEA Today melalui aplikasi, website, atau berbagai platform favoritmu seperti IndiHome TV CH. 101 HD, MAX Stream, MOLA, My Republic, Vidio, MNC Vision, MNC Play, dan FIRST Media.
Indonesian Trade Minister, Zulkifli Hasan, destroyed more than 13 billion Rupiahs of illegally imported commodities on Friday (6/9) afternoon. The destroyed items include food and beverages, traditional medicines, health supplements, forestry products, and cooper plates, all originated from Thailand, China and India.
To watch the full video, please visit the SEA Today News Youtube channel or click the link in bio. You can also watch and access SEA Today through your favorite application, website or various platforms such as IndiHome TV CH. 101 HD, MAX Stream, MOLA, My Republic, Vidio, MNC Vision, MNC Play, and FIRST Media.
#SEAToday #SEATodaynews #Import #Illegal #China #Thailand #India
You can also watch and access SEA Today through your favorite application, website or various platforms such as IndiHome TV CH. 101 HD, MAX Stream, MOLA, My Republic, Vidio, MNC Vision, MNC Play, and FIRST Media.
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Видео Trade Minister Destroys Illegal Commodities from Six Importers канала SEA Today News
SEA Today, SEA Today News, SEA Morning Show, 3 Hour News Show, SEA Today Live Streaming, Buddy Talk, SEE Indonesia, Southeast Asia News, ASEAN News, Berita Asia Tenggara, News Program, Berita Indonesia, PODSEA, Lifestyle, ASEAN, SEA Today TV, SEA Today News Indonesia, Detikcom, Narasi, Kumparan, Berita Viral Hari Ini, Viral Indonesia
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13 июня 2023 г. 8:26:29
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