250 Aircrafts, 25 Countries Join NATO Military Exercise
Latihan udara yang disebut-sebut sebagai latihan udara terbesar dalam sejarah NATO telah dimulai pada Senin (12/6) dan akan berlanjut hingga 23 Juni di Jerman. Dalam latihan militer ini, sekitar 10.000 peserta dan 250 pesawat akan berlatih merespon simulasi serangan terhadap anggota NATO. 24 negara NATO, termasuk Finlandia sebagai anggota terbaru, turut serta dalam latihan ini. Lebih lanjut, Jepang bergabung sebagai pengamat.
An air deployment exercise billed as the biggest in NATO’s history is underway, starting from Monday (6/12) to June 23 in Germany. In this military exercise, some 10 thousand participants and 250 aircraft will practice responding to a simulated attack on a NATO member. 24 NATO countries, including newest member Finland, are participating in the drills and Japan has joined as an observer.
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An air deployment exercise billed as the biggest in NATO’s history is underway, starting from Monday (6/12) to June 23 in Germany. In this military exercise, some 10 thousand participants and 250 aircraft will practice responding to a simulated attack on a NATO member. 24 NATO countries, including newest member Finland, are participating in the drills and Japan has joined as an observer.
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You can also watch and access SEA Today through your favorite application, website or various platforms such as IndiHome TV CH. 101 HD, MAX Stream, MOLA, My Republic, Vidio, MNC Vision, MNC Play, and FIRST Media.
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Видео 250 Aircrafts, 25 Countries Join NATO Military Exercise канала SEA Today News
SEA Today, SEA Today News, SEA Morning Show, 3 Hour News Show, SEA Today Live Streaming, Buddy Talk, SEE Indonesia, Southeast Asia News, ASEAN News, Berita Asia Tenggara, News Program, Berita Indonesia, PODSEA, Lifestyle, ASEAN, SEA Today TV, SEA Today News Indonesia, Detikcom, Narasi, Kumparan, Berita Viral Hari Ini, Viral Indonesia
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14 июня 2023 г. 5:59:06
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