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I was Struck by Lightning | Animated Story about Electric Girl

Some of you might think that if lightning hit me, then I am a fool and I have to blame myself for it as I skipped the classes where I was supposed to be told how to behave during a thunderstorm. But you are wrong. At school, I had no problems, I perfectly knew the rules of behavior in various emergencies… However, when I faced the danger myself, my brain shut down and I forgot everything that I had been taught before.
That evening I was returning home from my grandmother’s house and my path lay through a long suspension bridge over the river. The downpour started unexpectedly, but I had an umbrella, so I didn't worry a lot, and, apart from that, I liked walking in the rain.
But when I was already on the bridge, a thunderstorm began, and it was so bright and stretching over the entire horizon that I got numb with fear. I continued walking to quickly get to the opposite bank, however, I was not destined to come there on that day.
Powerful lightning stroke me so I froze and literally could not move, all parts of my body seemed to be petrified, but, at the same time, I did not fall down, maintaining my balance. Meanwhile, I felt pain. This was intense pain spreading all over my body, but it was not like any other type of pain. I noted a white bubble around me. I felt as if I was put inside it and everything around was filled with white paint. In fact, this seemed to last forever.
I came to my senses in intensive care, where I spent the next 5 days, and I can say for sure that after what happened, I became a different person. I knew my life history, I knew who I was, but, at the same time, it seemed to me that the former Charlotte was a completely different person, with different thoughts, with weird tastes and interests.
When my life was no longer in danger, I was transferred to an ordinary ward and only then, from my loved ones, I learned more about what had happened. It turned out that after hitting me, the lightning turned all my clothes into rags and made a puddle of plastic out of my phone after melting it. I was even shown the video with the moment when I was struck. It was captured by a street surveillance camera and I saw how the smoke appeared above my head after what happened. It was a real nightmare and shock, I don’t understand how I was able to survive after such an incident…
Later, I looked at myself in the mirror for the first time and almost fainted because the left side of my face was completely covered with a strange pattern, like a Christmas tree branch, and the same was also on my back.
This, of course, is very interesting, especially considering that I have been dreaming of a tattoo on my face for a long time, but I didn’t want to have the Christmas tree there... Although, maybe it is not that bad. At least, now on Halloween, I won't have to worry about my makeup.
A week later, I was finally discharged from the hospital, but I was also told to visit a cardiologist once a month because a lightning strike negatively affected my heart and now this ailment will be with me for the rest of my life. Perhaps this piece of news turned out to be the saddest one for me because in my previous life, I was doing athletics, being quite good at it, and now it is strictly forbidden to engage in any sports for me.
I called the first month after returning home a month of miracles because every day shocked and surprised me. Once I entered my dad's office, where he was working with his laptop. As soon as I showed up, the laptop made a sad sound and shut down forever. Well, you know, it was a new laptop with an apple on the lid. After it broke down, even the technicians made a helpless gesture and said that it definitely could not be repaired.
Well, that time no one linked the computer failure to the fact that I showed up, but a couple of days later, the same thing happened to my mother's tablet right at the moment when I came up to her. And soon my brand new phone was broken along with my laptop for studying, which I decided to open for the first time after being struck by lightning.
It became clear that it was I who was making the equipment fail, but no one knew what to do with it. A fridge, microwave, washing machine, and a dishwasher got to the cemetery of broken household appliances. As a result, my parents and I were at risk of returning to a primitive way of life somewhere in a cave because power also went off at the sight of me.
And soon my eyesight said ‘hello’ to me as it began to deteriorate rapidly. People were turning into blurry silhouettes, and I gradually stopped recognizing even the closest ones. They just looked like stains.... everybody seemed the same to me.
I was really scared because the last thing I wanted to do was to go blind, but doctors were powerless and even the most powerful glasses did not help me. I realized that soon I would stop seeing the surrounding world at all...

Видео I was Struck by Lightning | Animated Story about Electric Girl канала Meet My Story
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30 декабря 2020 г. 20:00:29