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Kitchenaid厨师机红枣牛奶馒头花卷8种初级整形方法how to shape steamed bun(8ways)

Kitchenaid红枣牛奶馒头馒头花卷8种初级整形方法how to shape steamed bun(8ways)花卷,馒头整形,花卷整形,Kitchenaid 馒头,mantou,馒头 做法,馒头 酵母 面粉 比例,chinese steamed buns,steamed buns recipe,蒸馒头,馒头 怎么做,馒头的制作方法,馒头制作过程,花卷馒头,花卷馒头的做法,馒头松软秘诀,花卷的做法 图,mantou recipe,steamed bun,馒头
先两面都抹粉防粘。边缘不整齐的地方都切掉。切成不到一厘米宽的细条,两头不要切断。面皮一定要比较硬才好操作,不然容易扯得变型。以前我做过几十种造型,欢迎大家查看。两头压紧一下盘起来就可以,尾巴压薄一点方便藏在下面。夏天手速一点要飞快,面皮每一秒都在醒发。如果时间来不及可以把面皮分成两半,一半做好造型二次醒发后冷水上锅蒸,另一半面皮再多压几遍排气,等前面那一半蒸好后,第二锅开水上锅蒸。因为多压了几次所以小的明显更白一些。我喜欢用厚尺子压出花纹,掩盖没有排干净的气泡。这是5.5寸的模具,大一点比较好操作。先翻过来从一头开始卷,卷到一半位置停下,再从另一头卷稍微卷宽一点,两头捏紧,抱团收口。边缘可以沾点水捏紧,免得蒸好爆开。介绍一个万能花朵造型,任何模具都可以,切3-4个,稍微整理一下,筷子夹紧就是花。小朋友可能比较喜欢花里胡哨的的馒头,我家小孩当零食吃。继续做一组造型,这是3寸的圆片,三个摞在一起,如果圆片比较大可以摞四片。面片没有撒粉防粘,因为我希望粘合好一些,省的还要用水帮助粘连。一定要夹紧一点,不然一开火就会爆开。这个造型比较相似,同样也可以做8个花瓣,只要注意压的时候用手扶住不要压歪了,花瓣均匀一些好看。两个花瓣捏合在一起。稍微整理区别一下。切12个花瓣,两个捏合起来。可以往上卷也可以往下卷。嫌收口太丑就剪一下。弹性没得说,不用菜都能吃几个。以前我做过懒人红枣馒头,今天换一种做法。红枣去核后称取50克。200克牛奶,可以换成水。搅打均匀,尽量打细腻一些馒头才光滑。不需要过筛,红枣皮吃不出来。打一个鸡蛋增加弹性。一茶勺耐高糖酵母,因为面团含糖比较高,普通酵母可能发不好。加入350-400克中筋面粉,没有把握的就慢慢加。平时我都用面包机揉面,今天抽风想用手揉一下试试。我们需要稍微硬一点的面团,不着急可以等几分钟再揉。亲手揉面太累了,我就揉了几分钟,把碗里的面尽量粘干净,面团光滑就行了。揪出一小块放在带刻度的容器方便观察。视温度发酵30-60分钟,直到体积刚刚超过2倍。先稍微排排气,在转移到面板上,用擀面杖擀成大面片,因为面皮比较干,不需要撒太多干粉。红枣馒头有淡淡的甜味,想加红糖的现在赶紧加。干粉一开始给足,后期再加粉容易鼓泡。稍微整理一下方便压面机操作。压几遍就光滑了,我压了十五遍,气孔会更细腻。如果做刀切馒头先在面片上沾点水贴合会比较好。一边卷起一边把空气排出去。用锋利的刀切出来会比较好看。另一半撒上干粉防粘。同样先卷起来。不用卷太多层。可以切成同样的宽度,也可以切一些窄的。收口放在中间,面皮不要粘连。两个小的叠在一起压出来比一整个大的压出来好看。一筷子压出来就挺好的,两头捏紧一点,太干就沾点水。既然都看到这里了不如点赞关注一下吧,谢谢大家我们下周再见。借助kitchenaid 可以做出很漂亮的馒花卷,因为面皮会比较平滑。这里介绍8种初级的整形方法,一看就会特简单。
For pastry preparation please check this video

The steamed bun, made from wheat, is one of the most popular food in China. People shape the buns in various ways.Hamilton Beach bread maker is quite easy to use. Carefully designed to make bread-making simpler than ever. Kitchenaid is a great tool to make professional bun. Rose bun is attractive and easy to make with cutter.
450 grams of all-purpose flour
250 grams of warm water(90-95 degrees F)
1 tsp of yeast

My recipe is for reference, please adjust the water and flour to make a soft dough.
Make sure the water in the pot is 2 inches deep at least
Set the burner between medium and high
Wait for 5 minute after you turn off the burner, then open the lid

When I was trying to make my own steamed bun several years ago, I failed so many times, even I consulted the pro and checked many recipes.When I open the lid I often see dark and hard dough . There are many reasons:

1 The yeast is not active. Test the yeast if you are not sure. Mix yeast with warm water (about 90-95 degrees, hot water will kill the yeast), and rest for some minutes, if you find a lot of bubbles on the top, the yeast is good.

2 The flour is not fresh. This is my No.1 fail reason. I was very confusing why sometimes I can make but after a few months I could not. Finally I realized that I stored the flour for a long time, and my house is kind of moist, when I use fresh flour, the problem is solved. Try to use all- purpose flour with less protein,but not cake flour, if you like puffy.

3 The dough is not fermented well. Many people mix all the ingredients at a time to make it easier, but I mix about 20% flour, water and yeast and ferment at the beginning as start. For sure the bun tastes better. When the dough expands to 2-2.5 times the original size is enough, I won’t steam bun with over fermenting dough, I use the dough as start for future bun. In summer, the ferment is very fast, in winter you can put the container in a warm place to speed up. To tell the truth, ferment for longer time on lower temperature will result in better taste, just balance.

4 The dough doesn’t rest for enough time before steam. After you put every dough into the steamer, wait until it’s bigger, just you can feel the change. Do not let them expand too much, or the texture would be rough.

5 The burner is too strong. Once my friend complained she always failed the bun, I told her set the burner between medium and high, which perfectly solved the problem.

6 There are not enough steam. If the ventilation is not that good, the dough won’t get enough steam, one of my friends used a knife to enlarge the holes on the steamer, it worked.

7 The dropping from the lid. I hate the dropping and used to wrap the lid with cheese cloth and kitchen towel .Now I found 10 inch diameter bamboo steamer, which can just sit on my pot. I store the bamboo steamer in very dry room, or it will get mold very soon.

8 Another possible reason might be you open the lid too soon. Almost every poster will mention that wait for 3-5 minutes before you open the lid. I just follow the rule every time, but I still wish someday I could test it.

Well, you may find it’s kind of hard to make the bun, but actually if you know all these tips you can make the same good buns.

Видео Kitchenaid厨师机红枣牛奶馒头花卷8种初级整形方法how to shape steamed bun(8ways) канала Connie Cook627
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18 сентября 2020 г. 4:27:55