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So since we’re slowly headed into the year 2020 I wanted to talk about both the changes and trends in recruiting for the coming year.

Now don’t get me wrong a lot of what’s going to happen for recruiting in 2020 are things we’re already seeing begin to catch on.

So one of the first and biggest trends is video!

Video has already begun a slow rollout in recruitment but it is poised to take over a whole ton more of what we do through emails, text messages and phone calls.

Video is simple and effective and so I can totally see why video recruiting is going to rise up as a staple as we go into 2020.

I have already heard of recruiters using this as a regular practice, all over the world where they video message a candidate through LinkedIn, saying hey “I’m ben I have an awesome position I’d love to chat with you about it”

Credible recruiters have been swearing by the results and I definitely believe them that as we become more and more digitally interactive, video will make its way into business as a total norm.

You can do video messaging, video calls, video interviewing, video anything, and it just flat out works, and what works wins.

Naturally the next item I want to discuss is video’s little brother, which is voice.

(just to be clear I’m talking specifically about voice messaging and not phone calls)

Voice is simpler than video, slightly less intimidating, but practically just as effective.

Everybody knows how much easier it is to send a voice message to someone if you have something long to say

Everyone know that using voice to text features on any device is that much easier,

Voice is probably going to replace 70% or more of our communications over the next 2 years.

People are using this on LinkedIn, Facebook, they’re using it on specialized apps like Whatsapp and billion others that offer voice capability. Pretty much who wants to use their fingers when they can just talk.

Software automation is going to be the recruiters’ best friend in 2020 if it isn’t yours already!

Think about it like this:

Why would you sit on facebook and message people when you can setup a chatbot for you business?

Why send follow up emails when you can create the emails, set them to send out every few weeks and let the machine do the work?

Why spend hours on LinkedIn connecting with decision makers in it when you can use chrome extensions that literally run robots that do this?

I could go on, and I will in another video about automation, but robotic and automated software is going to become your best friend, I can all but guarantee it.

Let’s talk about the things that we can only imagine now that will be out in 2020!

Somebody out there, if they haven’t already, is going to create the tinder for recruiting!

Social Scoring!

Look I have no idea exactly what its going to look like or how it will work, but I 100% believe that in the next two years something like China’s social score will be here.

You’ll be able to vet people based on all sorts of factors

Which leads me to another huge paradigm shift for 2020…big data

Look, we already know big data is exactly that, it’s big, like really big.

You can bet your bottom dollar that big data & any and all data on you, your clients, your candidates is going to be aggregated in a way that streamlines so many processes that are inefficient in their current state.

Example: Reference checks could become obsolete, we may end up just gauging their work ethic based on a set of factors we’ve found in their data.

Really smart people are simplifying the process as we speak into the easiest most get to the point way you can only imagine for now..

Work from home- yup, that’s here to stay.

Work from home has been growing and growing for the past 10 years probably and has now become a mainstay. Candidates regularly ask about it at any given position, and rightfully so.. Most studies show that if you hire the right people, they can actually be more productive working from home rather than at the office.

Our society is so loud and crowded and people genuinely suffer from serious anxiety in the office, (ie: this is a real thing)

I truly believe remote work will become a standard option in 2020.

One thing I want to make super clear, is that I don’t think your job as a recruiter is going anywhere, anytime soon.

In fact, I welcome most of this technology. I’m excited for the trends and changes of 2020 because I think that all of these tools will only make a recruiter’s life easier.

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28 октября 2019 г. 7:22:09